Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Wednesday Random

It's Wednesday, and a weird week because we were out of town for a night, so I thought I'd go with a random post.  Also, I love the font on the word Wednesday.

One thing I've started doing lately is making a list for my husband of ideas for me at Christmas.  Every single year, he asks me for a list, and I am always scrambling at the last minute.  I know this seems so presumptuous of me, but he really likes a list, and he loves it even more if it's long and detailed.  Nothing on my list is big, but it's things that I would love and use all the time, but that I don't want to buy for myself.  I am making this grand list on Amazon, because we do almost ALL of our shopping on there.  One thing I just put on the list is this tea towel.

I love to use tea towels in the kitchen, and I can't have enough.  I also like to hang them on my oven just because they're cute.

I'm so impressed with my thinking ahead abilities.  He will be, too.

Now if I can get my kids to do this!

Moving on, now.

I got a really sweet card on Saturday, from a friend who is equally as sweet and so very thoughtful.  I love snail mail, and in my humble opinion, nothing can beat something in the mail box that brings a smile.

I really wish I thought of this kind of thing more often.  I do occasionally, but we never have stamps.  And I always forget to buy them.  (Hence the stack of thank you notes from my son that have yet to be mailed.)

In case anyone needs to be motivated in their quiet times, I was in the book of James, but I finished it this morning.  I love this book of the bible and am about to start a personal bible study on it.  I actually just looked at this picture, and this was from my scripture writing that I wrote out from Matthew this weekend.  Oh well.  You get my point.

I am reading through Philippians with our community group girls, as well, one chapter per week, so I just read the chapter a bunch.  I also started listening to a podcast recently, by Nancy Wolgemuth, that is teaching on Revelation, so I read a few verses in chapter one of that book this morning as well.  It's a lot, but I have all the time in the world, so what better way to spend it?

This is what homeschool looks like for us.  Nothing grand or fancy, and certainly not Pinterest worthy.  Just some clutter as they spread out for Algebra, some books I need to sell (the pile starting with Pre-Algebra), and a quiet morning as they start working.

 I know.  I posted this image yesterday.  Someone told me to read articles on this place (West Tennessee Mental Health Facility) and that was what I did last night.  Holy cow, perhaps before going to bed wasn't the greatest time to do that.  The images from inside this abandoned building are even more creepy than this actual building.

Drew has a friend who loves this kind of thing, so I sent him some links in a text.  He does that for me as well.  We're nerds, we know.  We love abandoned buildings and documentaries of all kinds.

My father in love had his first knee replacement surgery yesterday, and I went up to the hospital to be with my mom in love while she waited.  Turns out, her best friends were there, as well, a sweet couple they attend church with.  Anyway, at the hospital, there are these little jars everywhere with bible verses on them.  This was mine that she selected for me, and I think that is the greatest thing!  Also, while we were there, the chaplain came over the speaker and gave a short devotion, then prayed.

I love that so much.  It's a great hospital and it's beautiful.

Also, my father in love is doing great and going home today.  They kept him overnight, just as a precaution.  We went to see them last night, and took them both dinner.  I made dinner for us, we ate early, then we took them some in to go containers.

Well, I need to get a move on this day!  Thanks for reading.  Love to all!

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