Tuesday, August 15, 2017

some music I love right now

These times we are living in right now are not for the faint of heart.  My heart aches over the fact of how broken we are as a country, and for how far we have strayed from God.  How His heart must grieve. 

When going through times like these, I am so thankful that Jesus is my hope.  I cannot imagine what people who don't know Him do without His presence in their lives.  I literally could not get through even one day without Him.  One thing I know: God is sovereign.  He is in control.  We can trust Him.  And someday, He will return for His bride (that's us believers, and His church).  

Until then, I cling to His word.  I pray.  I praise.   Music helps.  

That being said, here are some songs I love right now.

I love mashups of songs, and this one is currently in the number one spot.  This is Caleb and Kelsey Grimm.  Caleb is one of the members of Anthem Lights.  

What a beautiful name it is, the name of Jesus.

Next up is this song by Tauren Wells, Hills and Valleys.  I cannot listen to this without my eyes welling up with tears.  

I love the line, "On the mountains, I will bow my life to the One Who set me there."  I always pray and ask that the Lord would help me to walk in submission to His authority in my life.  This song is another reminder that the Lord is good, when He gives good things to us, and even when He takes away from us.  He is sovereign.  I keep mentioning that, but it's a truth that resounds in my heart right now.

I love this version of the song Holy Spirit by one of my favorite singers of all, Travis Cottrell.

This song moves me every single time I hear it, and I have witnessed the presence of the Holy Spirit deal with someone as they listened to the lyrics.  He is powerful and His presence can often times be felt.  

These are just a few of my favorites right now.  I always have music playing, whether on the radio, on a CD, or on Spotify.  I can't think of anything better I'd rather be listening to than some music that will lead me into the presence of the Lord.  

How desperately we need You, Lord Jesus.  


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