Tuesday, July 18, 2017

a list of random, something super exciting, and a giveaway

I have so many things rolling around in my brain, that I thought I'd just sit here and write a blog post instead of doing all those things.  This is how I always am right before I go somewhere, but more about that in a few minutes.

Y'all.  Fellow reader friends.  I left out the main book I've been wanting to tell you about, in yesterday's post.  My sister in love, Tracy, wrote an amazing book!

She texted me a few months back and asked if I would read it for her, before it was sent to the publisher.  I sat down to read it, and the rest of my afternoon was spent glued to the pages.  I don't want to give away too much information, but just know that Tracy Sterling Jones Goodwin is a miracle from God.  She should actually be dead, but God was not finished with her here on this earth.  If you take only ONE suggestion from yesterday's book post, ignore all those other ones (Don't ignore the bible, though.) and purchase this book and be amazed at God's healing touch and sovereignty over all.

Here is a little more about Unstoppable God.

And also?  I'm going to post a picture of this book on Instagram with some instructions on how you can win this book!  I've got connections.  ;)  You will receive a signed copy of this book when a random winner is selected.  I'll post it today, and the comments will close on Friday at noon.

You can purchase this online at any of your local book places.

GO.  Buy it, and read it!

Moving on from that, I changed my blog again.  I couldn't deal with the other one, it was too much of a pain to have to find the tab to click on to post.  I can't figure out how to get the picture back up at the top, but I'll have to deal with it later.

I came across this image on Instagram yesterday from Lifeway Girls, and I shared it again.

I posted it to share with my own kids, and other teenagers I consider mine as well.  Mostly, my kids' friends, and the girls I work with in youth ministry.  Lately, I have been so saddened to observe that so many people think that God's love is based on our works.

I cannot say this enough: His love, His grace, His mercy are all free gifts that He gave to us when Jesus died on the cross for our sins.  He literally took the weight of the world's sin upon His shoulders, and died for us, so that we wouldn't have to be eternally separated from God.  Because of His grace and the salvation He gives to us when we believe in Him and put our faith and our hope in Him, He transforms our lives from the inside out.

For example, I used to smoke, curse, and lived a life that looked radically different from the one I live now.  When I placed my faith in Him by believing in Him, it was like He picked me up, turned me around, and I started walking in the opposite direction.

He changed the desires of my heart, and He changed the way I lived.  My life was no longer my own, but it became His, and now, I live my life in a way that I pray will bring Him glory and honor.  That is a full transformation.  A full transformation is NOT going to church on Sunday, and then doing your own thing for the other six days, ignoring what His word says, and ignoring Him.  He wants constant fellowship with us, once we belong to Him, and He wants our very best, not our afterthoughts.  He wants our every thought, word, deed and action to point others to Him.  We were created in His image, and we are to be a reflection of Him to a lost and dying world.

I pray these words inspire you to see what the bible says about living a new life in Christ Jesus.  Don't just take my words into account, in fact, forget my words.  Just see what His word says.

Moving on again.

The reason I have so much to do today is because at seven ten tonight, my sister Trish and I are flying to Denver to see our other sisters Lisa and Debi, and their families, and to meet these precious little angels and miracles from God!  I cannot believe they're already half a year old.  Time really does fly by.  I am so excited to meet little Kinsley Anne, and Kylie Grace.

I get so choked up every time I see pictures of them, because they truly are little miracles from God.  There was something wrong with them during Erika's pregnancy, and one or both of them were not expected to live.  My niece started a blog about them, but I don't think it's for the public yet.  As soon as it is, I'll share a link to it.  These girls were born as Mo-Di twins.  Google it, if you want to know more about what that is exactly.

Lastly, will you help me pray for a friend of mine?

This handsome young man is Chandler, and he is so special to our family because of how he has invested into the lives of our boys.  He's a youth intern at church, and his family are good friends of ours.  He left last night to spend five weeks in Southeast Asia.  He is with a team, and they will be doing all sorts of things while there.  Please help me to pray for him and the other guys on the trip!  I would love to have people praying for him everyday they're gone.

The girl with him is his sweet girlfriend, Grace, and she is where I got this picture from, with her permission to share.  (Thanks, Grace!)

I would very much appreciate the prayers for him.

Well, I guess I need to get a move on and start on all my lists of things to do today.  Thanks for reading my blog!  Love to all.

(I won't see you back here until next Tuesday.)

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