Monday, March 13, 2017

the weekend

We had a FULL weekend, my friends.  Jonah, Noah, and Graham all turned a year older (14, 14, and 18), and we celebrated them with family Friday night.  It was a good, old fashioned family birthday party, and we had hot dogs, cheese dip, and birthday cake.  It was a fun night with twenty people here eating and visiting.

Aren't they all adorable?

Saturday dawned bright and early for me (the dogs LOVE waking me up early), and after running an errand with Graham (Todd, that is), he and I took my suburban and went car shopping.  Our poor suburban had run its last trip, and we kinda knew what we wanted to look at while shopping.  We looked at several SUV's and narrowed it down to two-the Dodge Journey or the Chevrolet Traverse.  We got a better deal on the Traverse and it had a better warranty, so we went with this one.  It also felt the most familiar to me, because I've driven nothing but Chevrolet for the past fourteen years.

Isn't she cute?

We also downsized a bit, because the boys are rarely all with us anymore.  This still has three rows, the third being a fold down, so it sits us all, we just lost a lot of the cargo space.  If we go on vacation, we'll have to put a shell on top.

And she's my favorite color!  It's a really pretty midnight blue.

I made a big dinner that night, but Graham and Drew went to O'Charley's with friends, then they all came back here to hang out.  My sister Trish ate with us, and then I talked her into spending the night when we found a movie we wanted to watch.  And it snowed on this night!  It was beautiful.  And it's gone now, praise the Lord.

I stayed home from church and choir practice yesterday because I can't stop coughing, and spent the day alone.  I watched tv all day and napped.  Last night Todd and Graham worked the tech crew for the Big Daddy Weave concert here in town, and the rest of the boys and I went to my mom's for dinner.

We had a yummy Mexican dinner, which is my all time favorite.  After that I went to see my friend Missy for a few minutes, then we came home and I watched Army Wives.  I'm almost to the end again.

I need a new show to watch on Netflix.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

It was a great weekend, and today is a perfectly dreary, rainy Monday.  We're meeting Todd's parents for dinner tonight in Cordova, at our favorite pizza place.

Have a great day!  Love to all.

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