Wednesday, March 22, 2017

the way I've been reading

I've been using these journals since about January, and I'm on my last one, eagerly awaiting the use of the new one I bought a few weeks ago.  I thought I'd share about how I've been reading in the bible lately.  It's nothing new or fancy or complicated, in fact, it's the exact opposite.

I've been moving along slowly, taking a section at a time, and savoring every word, every phrase, taking note of who is speaking, who is being written to, who is being talked about, and what's going on in context to when the verse was written.

I had the thought that I should write a post on this, because I've been asked this lately.  And I showed Noah this today, and he loved this slow and simple way of reading.

For example, I've been in Hebrews since Monday, and I've only made it through verse four of chapter two.  I use the breaks in my bible to tell me when to stop and start.  You know how sections have a subtitle above them?  That's what I use as my guide.

In Hebrews 1:5-14 yesterday, I wrote out all the things in my journal that told me about God and Jesus and angels, and what their job is.  I use the verses, reading them and often re-reading them a second or third time, and I write out what I learn.

It's so easy, so simple, yet so profound.  I feel like I am getting to know the characteristics of God more this way, which is what I want to learn when I read His word.  Before I start with that, I pray.  I always end my prayer time with asking God to help me understand what I'm reading and to reveal something new to me.

I know most of you probably know this, but maybe someone needs a little inspiration to get started in reading God's word again, or maybe someone needs to pick it up for the first time.  I pray this helps you and I pray that God stirs in your heart a desire to know Him more through time spent in prayer and reading His word.

Love to all.

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