Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Wednesday & Our Week

For me, this has been a busy week.  I homeshool, therefore, I usually have TONS of free time.  This week we have been on the run, though, and I am thankful for a day at home (today) to clean and vacuum and finish the laundry that didn't get done last night.  (More on this in a minute.)

(All those little blanks are filled now.)

On Monday, we met my mom for lunch at a local Mexican restaurant, which we haven't done in AGES.  It was a great break in our day, and we had fun with her catching up and laughing.  After lunch, all the boys went with me as I took Drew and Noah for haircuts.  We came home for a few hours and then left again for a company dinner, which was delicious and fun.

Yesterday I left early to go pray with my friend for our weekly prayer date, I ran home to grab the boys, then we all headed out to Dad's to take his Christmas lights down.  This was incredibly satisfying to me for some reason, I guess because of how methodical it was.  Also, God is so good to us, y'all.  We had tried to do this at least twice before yesterday, and had to cancel.  Yesterday the ground was really dry, the weather was GORGEOUS, and my hand quit hurting so that I could have full use of it.  (I think I have arthritis.  Or possibly carpel tunnel.)  As I walked down his long driveway to the end to start pulling the lights off bushes, I couldn't help but thank God and praise Him for His perfect timing.  He was in all of those details I mentioned, and none of it took Him by surprise.

I wish I had a picture, but I don't.  I had left my phone up at the house.  Very un-typical of me.

After our work, they fed us lunch, which was amazing and so good because we were all starving, and eventually we made our way back home.  I came home to finish the bible study homework for this week, and then I made dinner early so I could eat at five thirty, then I left for bible study at the church.

I am LOVING our bible study!  I have missed being with these ladies, and there's something about having it at the church that makes everyone open up and want to share.  These are ladies I've studied with for a year now, and there's a small core group of us, with a couple of new ones that joined for this study.  I miss studying with them, and I love walking through life together and praying for their needs, knowing that they're also praying for mine.

I cannot say this enough: if you have the opportunity to join a small group like this and study the bible, do it.  You will never ever regret the time spent together.  I promise.

When I came home last night, my wonderful husband and boys had started laundry.  And I was a royal pain in the butt about it, if you can believe that.  I have issues with control and how things are folded.  I confess.  I apologized for my wretched behavior last night and again this morning, because SERIOUSLY.  How many husbands of stay at home wives do laundry and fold it all?  Not many.

Today my stepdad is coming over (Big Daddy) to teach and help Jonah and Noah how to paint their room (and others) and he is just awesome.  Yesterday while I was getting ready to make dinner and finish up my bible study homework, they were busy cleaning and emptying their room in preparation.  They are so excited!  Todd took them to buy the paint last night after dinner and Bill should be here any minute.  I'll post pictures when it's all put back together.

Today is a new month, and with that comes a new Scripture writing plan.

There's a plan with PEACE as a theme, and one with LOVE as the theme.  Right now I could use all the peace I can get, so I am going with this one.  If you want the printable version, visit this sweet lady's blog at

I need to jump off here and get started on getting this house clean again.  Thanks for reading my blog!  Love to all.

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