Friday, February 17, 2017

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, Friends!  I am so glad this day is here at last.  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals for the writing of this post.

I mentioned yesterday that I am trying out a new thing on the blog and am going to attempt to stick to a schedule.  I'm sure I'll stray from this every once in a while, but I'm going to try.  I'm not sure if you've noticed, but our week and all that we've done has been lacking on the blog this week, with the exception of the brain dump post I wrote yesterday.  I'm going to try and break our weeks down only on Fridays and see how that goes.

Needless to say, I have a lot to say, so let's get started.  I'm backing all the way up to last week, though, first and will start from there.

I think reading a chapter of the book of Psalms is one of my most favorite things to do every single day.  I will always just finish it and then start over, and I'll read something in addition as well.  Right now my plan everyday is a chapter of Psalms, and today I read 2 Timothy 4.  When I'm done with 2 Timothy, I'll move on to Titus.

I've said this's good to have a plan.  I am way more likely to read everyday if I have a plan to go by.  I don't ever just open up my bible and start reading.  I keep track of this all in my journal, along with the scripture writing that I so love.

I honestly don't remember what day I took this picture, but we'll say it's Friday.  Also on Friday, we met my dad for lunch, and then he came back home with me and we sat and chatted and tried to solve all the world's problems.

Friday is my favorite for that very reason~my sweet Daddy.

On Saturday, I piddled around the house and kept myself busy with laundry and picking up after my boys.  I don't really remember much of one thing, but then, at seven o'clock that night, I started a book and finished it by midnight.

I'll write about the books another day, but these books have become my least favorite and my very favorite, alternately.

Seriously.  I hate them and I love them.

I also made a favorite for dinner that night.

Unfortunately, that was all that was left, so no picture.  In case you're wondering, we had salmon.  I drizzle it in olive oil, salt, pepper and lemon juice, then bake it at 400 for about fifteen minutes.  That was a three pound salmon.  At least.  You bake it until it turns light pink.  It's hard to explain, but try it, you'll love it, I promise.  Also, you can tell if it's done when you push on the center with a fork.  It should feel firm.  With this, we had roasted potatoes, and steamed broccoli with cheese.

It was delicious, I assume.  I felt sick at the time and had a bowl of cereal later.  I love that they saved me some.  (Not really...I told them they could have it all.)

Saturday night dinners at home have become a favorite thing around here lately.

On Monday, I was home in the morning, and then left at noon to go shopping for the coming weekend with two of my friends.  This was the day I shared about this picture, and how I pray and ask God to help me to serve my family with a joyful heart.  Honestly, that's one of my favorite things to pray for.  I am so thankful I get to stay home and be a wife and mom to my family.  I know so many want to do this and cannot, and I know it's hard.  I do not take this for granted.  I also have friends who work and would never want to stay home, and I don't know how they do that!  I did that for about three months during Jonah's and Noah's kindergarten year, and I had nothing nice about me by the end of everyday.

Because of the giant shopping trip, I didn't get back home until close to four, and I had no plans for dinner, so we had pizza.  #winning

Also on this night, Graham went to a community bible study for high school students nearby us when we sat down to eat.  Todd was at church working with technical stuff, so it was the other three boys and myself.  Graham loves the study he goes to on Monday nights, and this is him sitting down and talking to me about what they were learning.

My favorite thing IN ALL OF THE WORLD is to know that my kids are walking in truth.  (Somewhere in first, second, or third John.)  I love discussing the bible with them, and I love when they share with me things they're learning.  Graham actually taught me something new on this night that I'd never noticed, and officially blew my mind.

I cannot wait to see God's plan for this young man begin to unfold.

Second Timothy might possibly be my favorite New Testament book to have ever read/studied.  I have the entire thing underlined in my bible and I've worn the pages OUT in the process.

I say all the time that my bible is not something I want kept perfect.  I want it marked up, highlighted, and written in, and I want the pages worn so thin that they're always on the verge of falling out.  I love the quote that I saw one time...that the sign of a falling apart bible is a life of someone who is not (falling apart).

This is why I go through bibles every few years.  It's not because I find one I love more, it's because after a while, I can become immune to my highlighted and underlined pages.

I texted this picture to a lovely senior girl I'm helping disciple.

Toddley is my favorite.

I've not seen him much this week.  I'll kinda be glad when Monday comes, so we can resume our regularly scheduled lives.

Looking through all these pictures was fun.  I love him so much and am so thankful for the kind of husband and father he is.

And this was from Valentine's day.  That was the boys' favorite day, most likely, because of the special steak dinner we had.  That day my plans consisted only of a Costco trip and cooking.

On Wednesday, after the boys were done with school, they went to the church to work, and I stayed home until that night, when I went to youth.

Thursday was spent partly at home and partly shopping for new shirts for the boys and for snacks for them to take this weekend.  That night we had dinner with my in-love's, and we dropped off the dogs until Monday.  Yes, they're that awesome.  With all of us gone all weekend long, it would be cruel to leave them home, so they agreed to watch them both.

Look at sweet (mischievous) Crash sunbathing Thursday morning while I wrote on the blog.  He has been in trouble more than normal lately and has reverted back to his puppy days.  #hehadbetterstop

He is sweet sometimes, though.

Today will be FULL of things to do getting ready for tonight.  I'm praying with my friend early early, then will come home to clean and do last minute laundry, we're having lunch with Dad, then we'll have to pack.  I have a meeting at the church at 4:30, and my life won't stop until about twelve thirty on Sunday.

And then I will die for twenty four hours and hopefully resume a normal life once again sometime on Monday.  I am already thinking I'm too tired to cook dinner on this night, so we might eat out.

Forty is definitely NOT thirty.  I will say that about my age.  But as long as I can sleep in and grab a great nap, I should be good to go.

Thanks for reading, y'all.  Have a fabulous weekend!

Love to all.


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March Moments

  Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about some favorite moments from this month. Can you believe we're at the end of March ...