Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Tuesday and the aftermath of the holidays

This holiday break that we have been on has been so wonderful.  I know the boys have had so much fun hanging out with their friends, going places with them, and having them over here to watch movies and to play the X Box.  There is NOTHING a mom loves more than hearing of her kids having a really good time.

I will say that having two driving teenagers is strange in that I feel like I have to plan when I want to do things.  Like cook a good dinner.  Or clean the upstairs.  All that being said, I am ready for some normal again.

My oldest boy and my husband are sick.  I kinda thought it was sinuses, but now I'm wondering if it's some virus going around.  The symptoms are body aches, and a really nagging cough.  No fever and the cough isn't bad, just more like a tickle in the throat they can't scratch.  It's really weird.  Todd laid around all of yesterday and is staying home from work today.  If you know my man at all, you know if he stays home, he is SICK.

God love him.

Today is an exciting day (said sarcastically).  I am making a Costco run for some essentials and dinner is already planned for the night.  That is a HUGE thing for me to know at nine seventeen in the morning.  (For the record, I also knew what was for dinner last night, yesterday at this same time.  I am on a roll!)  My mom is going to Costco with me, which is always fun.  I love running errands with her.

I'm looking forward to dinner tonight...the weather is getting colder and I am making Cajun bean soup for tonight.  I had to soak the beans all night, and will start them around three or so today.  I have to add some things to it, to make it more yummy.  For the non-loving soup people in the house, I'll also make them something for them to enjoy.

Another thing to look forward to today?  Starting a new book.  I am trying to get back to more reading and less Netflix.  Or Hallmark channel.  I ordered a new book on Christmas morning, by a couple of my favorite authors, and I am pretty sure I'll start that today.  On the other hand, I might finish another book I'd started in the fall and then put down.  A friend on Facebook told me to try it again, it was one she stayed up until like three a.m. reading Sunday night.  Either way, I will be reading again today.  I finished TWO books yesterday.

On a totally different note, as I write this, I'm listening to a podcast.  It's called The Big Boo Cast, and it's by a couple of my favorite bloggers, Melanie Shankle and Sophie Hudson.  Otherwise known as Big Mama and Boo Mama.  It is an hour long, and it's total fluff, which is just fun to me.  I love these two ladies and I love all the things they discuss.  I have so much in common with them, so everything they talk about is something that appeals to me.  On today's podcast, they talk at length about my favorite movie of the moment~La La Land.  They also talk about some shows on Netflix that I've seen and wondered about, and after hearing them discuss them, I'm adding them to my queue.  I will most likely still watch Netflix at night...I'll get the reading done in the day and evening hours, and will watch shows or a movie at night in bed.

If you're interested in this, click here.  It can be found on both of their blogs.

Did I mention laundry?  I need to get started on it, speaking of.  And I need to get dressed and ready for my morning out with Mom.  I'll see you back here tomorrow!  We're starting school again tomorrow, so I'll have less going on.

Love to all!


  1. Just wanted to say I loved hearing about your day! I've been without internet for about a week and am so glad to have it back!

  2. You are so sweet! Thank you! I'm glad your internet is back, that's rough. I can go a few days, but after that I start to miss all my morning routines that include reading blogs.

    Have a great day!


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