Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Life Lately

Before I forget, I'm sitting in the living room with Jonah.  He was up earlier than his brothers today, and he came down, made breakfast, and then sat with me in here while I listened to a podcast and now, as I listen to music and write on this blog.  About the podcast, it was by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, and it was called, The Joy of Devotions.  After it was over, he asked who was speaking in it.  I told him and he said, "That was GOOD."

I love that he listens to things like this with me.  Even now, as I listen to praise and worship music with my handy dandy little bluetooth speaker, he told me how much he loved the music that was playing.  I love this kid, and his heart.  (Even though yesterday I wanted to leave him at the store we were shopping in because of his stubbornness.)

Here's what I'm listening to right this minute.  Awesome (My God), by Travis Cottrell.

These are not bad lyrics to have stuck in my head all day.

Did I talk about memorizing scripture again on here recently?  I try to do this all the time, but right now, I am checking in with an online community of women (and my bestie) twice each month with verses that I'm memorizing.  So far I've memorized 2 Corinthians 12:9, and I'm working on Psalm 112:7 right now.  I love them both.  What I'll do is work on these for two weeks each, then move on to a new verse.  So on the first and fifteenth, I'll pick new verses and continue on in reciting those I've already done to keep them fresh.  It gets harder with time.

Psalm 112:7

He will not fear bad news; his heart is confident, trusting in the LORD.

Isn't that amazing and worthy of repeating over and over and over again?

Look at my precious twin great nieces.

Their mommy posted this today, bright and early, as she cuddled these angels.  Today is Erika's birthday...what a gift, right?!  I love this picture, and I thank God at how good they are both doing.  They are truly miracles.

I am simply in awe of my God sometimes.  Most of the time, really, but I've been moved to tears so many times this week already, and we're only three days in.

The miracle of life is breathtaking, and I was thinking on Psalm 139:13-14 this morning.

For it was You who created my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother's womb.  I will praise You because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made.  Your works are wonderful, and I know this very well.

I also read in Psalm 90 this morning, and I loved what verse two said.

Before the mountains were born, before You gave birth to the earth and the world, from eternity to eternity, You are God.

I didn't think I'd like these little journals after I brought them home, but it turns out that I do.  They're a little thin, but I will leave them out with me until I've finished all three, so I can look back for where to write each day in my scripture writing, rather than having to keep taping the plan in there.

I've had a lot to write inside them lately, more than ever it seems, so I'm flying through the first one.  I'm almost halfway through it already.  It's funny how it seems I go through seasons of writing a lot in my journal, and some I don't.  I am thankful for this season, seems that God is keeping me more on my knees than ever before.  One thing I have been doing is writing five things each day that I'm grateful for, I think I mentioned this yesterday, and I love looking back on what I've already written.  I try to write things pertaining to that day.

I love to write out verses that jump out at me each day.  I read in Psalm 90 this morning, and then Colossians 2.  I'm going through that book with one of the teenage girls at church, so that we can hold each other accountable, and texting her pictures everyday to motivate her.

She asked for this, and I said I would.

I love when they reach out to me for things like this...some do and stick with it, some do and then it fall off after a short time, or I fall off.  I pray that the Lord would keep me faithful in this.  Sometimes I put too much on my own plate, and I can't keep track of it all.  I really, really try to not do that, because if I do too much, nothing I do is effective.  I went through a phase a few years ago when I had to drop some things.  I was doing too many things and not doing any one thing well.  Because of that time a few years ago, I try to never over commit myself to things.  I pray before agreeing to something...which reminds me that I was asked to do something new and I've not prayed about it yet.  Wow...I'm thankful for that reminder from the Lord.

Sometimes my rambling on and on is put to good use.

Well, I need to start on this day now that I've done just that.

Thanks for reading, and love to all.

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