Friday, January 6, 2017

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, happy new year, and happy SNOW DAY (well, to us, anyway).  That's a lot of happy for one Friday Favorites post.  I'm glad that Andrea and friends are doing this link up again this year...this is my favorite post of every week.  I'm linking up with Momfessionals for this post.

Here's a list of my favorite things/moments from the week.

On Friday night of last week, when Noah and I got home from Murfreesboro and visiting our friends the Dicksons, the boys had surprised us by taking down the Christmas tree and packing it all away until next year.  They had vacuumed and everything.  I always tell them they're my favorite kids, but seriously, how awesome of them to do this for me as a surprise.  It was a favorite moment to come home to, for sure.

This #bestnine thing I kept seeing all over social media was a favorite of mine from the week.  I didn't get the app, because the ratings were horrible, so I just made my own.  I love all these memories in the pictures from my phone.

A lot of my favorite teenagers came over Saturday night and it was fun ringing in the new year with them.  There were a lot of teenagers, a lot of food was consumed and a lot of laughter happened.

On Sunday afternoon, because half the family ended up having plans of their own, Jonah, Noah and I went to mom's for dinner.  The fog was so thick, but it was eerily beautiful at the same time.  The dinner we had was one of my favorites that Bill makes: grilled chicken, cabbage, potatoes, bread and black eyed peas.

I don't make resolutions in the new year, but I did promise to myself that in this year, I would read more and watch Hallmark movies/ Netflix less.  I finished two books on Monday, one on Wednesday and started another one yesterday.

Reading is my favorite hobby currently.

This was my favorite Christmas present.  Here's what the inside looks like.

I love having a planner that I love.  I'm much more likely to write in it, and to use it and cross things off my list.

I am happy to say that I got a lot done this week, at least according to the pages inside.

I came across this image yesterday on a publishing page, and loved it.  This statement is so true for me.  I love books and I am always looking for a new favorite one to read.  My list for 2017 is growing!  I'm excited.  And yes, I am a book nerd.

That's about it for the week...thanks for reading!  Love to all.

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