Monday, December 12, 2016

the weekend

Happy Monday!  This is a happy week for everyone around us in these parts, because it's the week before Christmas break starts.  Also, our weekend was quite festive.  Drew and I got started by making a giant Costco run Friday before lunch, and while we waited, he amused himself with the cameras.

I LOVE this picture.  I can hear him laughing when I look at it.  Check out the screen on the camera.

Oh, Drew.  I'm so glad he went with me, otherwise I'd have been bored to tears.

That night we attended an ugly Christmas sweater party.  Drew won the funny award with his sweater.  This was a fun night!  We played Dirty Santa, and ate and all the teenagers decorated sugar cookies.  We have great friends, and I am so thankful for them!

Saturday was the laziest day for me, and I loved every single second.  I took pictures of a few of my favorite ornaments and made a collage.  The cupcake one is loved, because one Christmas, all Noah wanted were "pup"cakes.  

Insert laughing face emoji here.

(I wish there were emoji faces available for computers.)

This was the birthday cake given to me by our youth staff at the Christmas party we had the other night.  Doesn't it look delicious?  It is.  My kids have enjoyed it so much, too.  I've had one piece, but man, it is rich.  

I got behind in Luke last week and had to catch up for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  While the boys were watching something, I went into the kitchen and read to catch up.  

Todd worked with the sheriff's department that night, and Graham worked with a friend of ours from church at an event in Jackson, Tn.

This man owns a coffee cart business and makes the most incredible drinks.  Graham enjoyed working with him and made it back home around ten.

Drew went out with friends and they all made their way back here to watch a movie.

And yesterday was spent with church family.  Our pastor is preaching an incredible series right now called Hope Lives, and yesterday he preached on Hope for the Guilty.  

I was matching with these girls yesterday, so we had to take a picture.

And then last night was our community group Christmas party!

It was a fun night, and more gifts were exchanged as they played Dirty Santa.  

I went and got Jonah, Noah and Alex from church, and Noah was so excited to draw this for me as soon as we walked in the door.

I am so thankful for my church family and for the staff who makes sure that everyone is equipped to share the gospel with people they come in contact with.  This is how our pastor shares with people and they were taught this last night.  I posted on Instagram about it, so go find me on there to read more.  (My username is Allfiveboys.)

Thanks for reading!  It was a great weekend.  Love to all!  

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