Wednesday, November 23, 2016

What's Up Wednesday

I'm linking up with Shay from Mix & Match Mama for this blog post.

What we're eating this week:

Well, it's been kinda crazy this week, with three of the boys and Todd at home on Monday night and Graham and I were having his senior pictures made, so while we were gone, Drew ran and grabbed some pizza.  Then, last night I was going to the church to eat dinner and decorate for Christmas, so I had chili there, but here at home, I made Gilbertini for the boys.  (It's their favorite, and I will write about it one of these days.)

We are all looking forward to some amazing food at my mom's tomorrow, though!

What I'm reminiscing about:

Timehop breaks my heart sometimes.  This was our old Andy the Wonder Dog, and I miss him!  He loved laying in this spot during Christmas, and this picture is just precious and kinda magical.  It's been a year and a half since he's been gone, and he would have been fourteen in December.


 I mentioned Graham's senior pictures?  I had a couple of "moments" on Monday night while we were at Holland's studio getting them made.  In this picture, I couldn't help but remember his last time we were there.  He was only nine months old, and we were having his baby dedication pictures made for free because two years before, they lost most of my wedding pictures.  But from nine months old to almost eighteen?

Somebody hold me.

I texted this to my sisters and mom and made myself cry.  Also, when he put on the cap and gown for graduation, I had to walk away.

What I'm loving:

We might have a slight problem with flavored coffee creamers.

I rejoiced quite loudly at Kroger yesterday when I saw salted caramel mocha.  I've never had it and have looked for it every year for three years straight.

I refrained from buying eight.


Have I mentioned my love of all things CHRISTMAS?!?!?!  This time of year is wonderful and reverent and holy and awe inspiring.  I love Jesus so much, and whether He was born in September or December is no matter...this is a time of CELEBRATION as I rejoice in Him, my Savior, the Light of the world.  I pray that everything I do and say and think during this Christmas season honors Him.  And I pray that He uses my family as lights for Him wherever we go.  I pray that everyone will know who He is because of how we love Him and others.

This was after our music department decorated our church last night.  Our worship pastor Travis is brilliant.  He invited the whole music department to church at five thirty and fed us chili, then had us stay and decorate.  We started at six and I was walking out by seven twenty.  Easy as pie.  The man knows what he's doing.

What we've been up to:

Well, I mentioned decorating last night.  While I was there, the boys all went to our outdoor mall and walked around last night.  Toddley was at the church working on something different with his friend Jeremy.

We've also been enjoying a slow week.  The boys did their school work on Monday and Tuesday and are enjoying the rest of the week off.

I have also been slightly obsessed with all the Hallmark Christmas movies.  I had to go and delete a bunch of things from our DVR to make room.

What I'm dreading:

Christmas being over.  I'm not even kidding.

What I'm working on:

Tonight we'll be pulling all of the Christmas out of the attic.  I'm thinking of getting rid of all the stuff we don't use while we're up there and taking it to the curb to be picked up tomorrow morning.  (Our amazing town and sanitation workers choose to work on Thanksgiving morning so they can enjoy the rest of the weekend off with their families.  Isn't that awesome?)

What I'm excited about:

Read all of the above once more, please.  Christmas.  Maybe it's because I'm a December child.  This is MY month.

What I'm reading/watching:

Honestly?  I'm not reading anything at the moment.  However, I brought this book downstairs with me this morning.

Also?  I'm really looking forward to the three books I'm about to read and review on my blog.  I'll post about them in the next two weeks, maybe less, if I can pull myself away from Gilmore Girls for five minutes.

I love Christmas books.  Love, love, love them.

I'm watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix, and looking forward to the four new episodes coming out in a few hours, but I will not watch them, most likely, until January.  I've been rewatching to refresh my memory and I'm almost back at season seven, which is the last season.

I'm also watching Hallmark Christmas movies.  I'm getting redundant, here.  My favorites so far are Finding Father Christmas that premiered a week ago on the Hallmark Mysteries & Movies channel, My Christmas Wish and December Bride.

I know.  So corny.  But ridiculously good!

What I'm listening to:

Our choir Christmas cd.  We are having a Christmas night of praise and worship on December fourth, and I really need to learn the music.  I've missed a lot of choir practice lately.

What I'm wearing:

Pajamas so far today (lazy morning) and sweaters.  It's been cool here lately, and I am so thankful!

What I'm looking forward to next month:

All of our traditions.  That's what I most love about Christmas.  It's not the gift, or the decorating, it's the traditions that happen with family.

What else is new:

I'm turning forty in two weeks.  A little over two weeks, actually.  God has shown me a lot about myself in the past few months, and I've let go of a lot of things I was hanging on to, and He has taken away some issues that I've had (anxiety, fear).  I feel myself changing inwardly, and it's a good thing.  I'll write more about it, maybe after Christmas.

And that's about it!  Thanks for reading my blog, and don't forget to go and check out some of the others who linked up with Shay from Mix & Match Mama.

Love to all!


  1. Christmas is my month too!!! I would have totally bawled for senior pictures as well!!

  2. Ha! Thank you for assuring me that I'm not alone. ;) Thanks for stopping by and for the comment love!


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