Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Trip to Parker, Colorado (near Denver)

Early Thursday morning my stepdad came and got me and we headed to the airport.  Our plane left at ten something and we flew to Dallas, stayed for a couple of hours for a leftover (ate Mexican food for lunch and took this selfie) and flew to Dallas.  Our plane landed there at five something.  We were excited!  Mom and I were picked up by my brother in law, Mike, and we met my sisters and nieces and nephews at Bad Daddy's for dinner.

This trip was planned about a month prior for me, and I went to celebrate my niece Erika, who is having identical twin girls.  Her baby shower was on Sunday afternoon.

We stayed with my sister Debi for two nights and my sister Lisa for two.

I ran some errands with Lisa on Friday afternoon, and fell in love with this charming area of Parker, where my sisters live.

Also on that day we drove to see my nephew, then headed back into the Denver area for some supplies she needed to make the epic cakes she is so known for.

On Saturday we ran more errands for the shower on Sunday and crashed in bed early that night.

Sunday was shower day!  Here's that cake, and my niece, sisters and mom.

That night we went home with Lisa.

We enjoyed a lazy morning with Lisa, and later on had lunch and went to Castle Rock, about fifteen minutes away from Parker.  We shopped a tiny bit and then went back to her house before dinner.  Debi met us there and we all ate at Logan's together, then went back to Lisa's.  We said goodbye to Debi at dinner.

Early Tuesday we woke up and had our coffee, packed and had Lisa drop us at the airport.

(I love the shirt Debi got me for my birthday, and I had my quiet time in the airport.)

We landed in Memphis at seven last night, and I was so glad to be home with my family.  I missed them so!  Unfortunately, Todd is out of town for at least one night, possibly two.  He and Noah left this morning for Nashville.

It's good to be home!  I am doing laundry today, and catching up on some house things.  I prayed with Abbey this morning and grocery shopped, and now I am about to watch a Hallmark Christmas movie.
I'm so grateful I got to see my Colorado family.  I can't believe the next time I see Erika, she'll be a mommy of twins!

Love to all.

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