Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Show & Tell Tuesday

It's Show & Tell Tuesday on the Momfessionals blog, and I'm linking up with her today for this post.
This is a fun post!  Who doesn't love to make a good wish list?  I am always clicking away on Amazon and adding things to my cart, or creating wish lists.  What did we ever do before Amazon Prime?!

I don't even like to think about such things.

This list includes things I want, need, would wear or read.


My birthday is coming up (I am turning 40 on December 14th!) and I keep getting asked what I want.  My answer is simple, yet complicated: I always want books, journals, colored pens, washi tape (something new that I love) and fun spirals (again, this is a new one).  Then I always have to further explain my answer, because I am a specific person.  One thing I want this year is money.  We've lived in our house for thirteen years now, and there are some rooms in need of updating.  I asked for the money to buy things for that, because this is something I won't just go spend a bunch of our money on.  Specifically, I want things like new throw pillows, new things to hang on the walls, new curtains (for the dining room) and I would love to update our bedroom.  


I need shoes.  Plain and simple.  I always have issues with my feet, and I need something comfortable and practical, but I'm a girl, so I like cute ones, too.  Some that I like right now:

I bought tennis shoes for myself Friday night, and I love them because of how comfy they are.  I could probably use dressier shoes, too, but for now, I can live with what I've got.  

(I hate shopping.  Especially for myself.  Because of that, everything I own or that I buy had better last for years.)

Also, I need some new jeans.  I don't love jeans and only own one pair, but I really need a new pair.  I'm probably going to go find some this weekend.  


I love these right.  I could wear one every single day.  I love things that are flowy and roomy and so comfy that you could sleep in it.  

I could wear this on a weekday, or to church.  I love the neck on this one, too.  


This one is easy.  I love reading Christmas books, and there is no better author of Christmas fiction books than Debbie Macomber.  Here are my three picks by her.

I also have three books on their way to me, thanks to my favorite author, Robin Jones Gunn!  I will be reading and review these three first as soon as they get to me, and I'll review them on my blog.  

They are:

Well, this was a fun one to write.  For some more gift ideas, go visit Andrea from Momfessionals.  There are tons of great gift ideas there.  

Love to all!  


  1. I need to check out ALL of those books!

  2. I know they'll all be wonderful! I have read Robin Jones Gunn since I was a teenager. Her writing is beautiful and lyrical, almost. There are these little phrases she uses throughout that really get you to thinking, even in a fiction book. I hope you love them as much as I do!


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