Tuesday, October 11, 2016

the weekend

I love the weekend.  Even as a homeschool/stay at home mom, the weekend coming up always excites me.  I think it's because I keep pretty busy all week that it's nice to have a full day of rest on Saturday.  This weekend was no exception.

If you don't know me, I know it sounds dumb and trivial, but I love painting my fingernails.  This was how I started off the day Friday.  While I was letting them dry, Graham and Drew were getting their things ready for the work trip they were going on that day.  (They left at 3:30.)

We had lunch with my dad at Booya's.  Jonah and Noah went to work with Todd this day, because he needed an extra set of hands, or two.  After lunch, we ran to the bank to get cash for their trip, and I made a quick stop at Kroger.  When we got home, they finished packing and I made some brownies for us to take to our friends house later that day, and then my dad left.  When he left, I went to visit a friend who had surgery last week and took her a little happy.

I came home, and it was time for us to head to church to send the teenagers off.

I knew I could get Emma to pose with me, but not my boys.  They did hug me, though and publicly told me they loved me.  (I'm kidding...they ALWAYS tell me that, regardless of who hears.)

I came home and watched Gilmore Girls until Todd, Jonah and Noah got home, then we all went to our friends' house for some Friday night lights.  (Their house backs up to the high school's football field.)

Such a fun night!  The boys were cooking and Tiffany and I were setting things up.  And talking.  Always talking.

We didn't stay too late, because we were all sleepy.

On Saturday, my mom and I enjoyed the morning together.  Jonah and Noah had a friend stay the whole weekend, and I left them all at home with Todd playing the X-Box.


We stumbled upon the cutest shop ever.  They sell fabric and completed hand-sewn items.

I have always LOVED looking at fabric.  We went to two fabric stores on this day.  We had lunch at Heavenly Ham and did a little bit more shopping, then we eventually made our way back home.

It was a fun day!  When I got home, I was the only one here.  They got back about half an hour later, after taking Ben to a game and going to Costco and Pet Smart.  Look what Jonah found while he was at Pet Smart.

It's a 901 Rock.  There is a Facebook and Instagram community called 901 Rocks! and people hide painted rocks all over the place.  This talented person painted this and hid it outside the pet store.

Jonah's day was made.

The boys and I went to Mom's for dinner, leaving Todd at home to watch the football game.

We spent Sunday morning and afternoon and evening at church.  Well, it was broken up, but while the boys were at CAMO at church, I had some of the community group girls over to watch movies.

They came in pj's and they watched Halloweentown 1, 2 and the highschool years.

There were more girls here, but these are the only ones pictured.  How adorable are they?!

This week is fall break around these parts, and we are participating in it with their friends.  It's a great week to be lazy and get things in order before Toddley and I go to NYC.

Well.  Laundry and Bible study homework are calling my name.  Thanks for reading!  Love to all.

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