Friday, September 16, 2016

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals for this blog post.

This has been a really good week for us.  The boys have had no problems or time issues with getting their school work finished this week, they've been motivated to get up and get started each day, and everybody has gotten along.  I consider that last one a bonus, though, the older the get, the less the fighting and bickering happens.  It's usually caused by Jonah or Noah nowadays, because they're that age.

Middle school is NOT my favorite age.

And I really try to not rush them in these growing up years, I've always said that I would be excited when they were no longer in this age bracket.

Anyway, moving right along.  Here are some of my favorite things or moments from this week.

While on vacation a couple of weeks ago, my mom-in-love and I went into Bath & Body Works to buy some goodies.  I picked out three delicious smelling hand soaps for the downstairs bathroom and one candle.  And then last week, they had an online offer that if you purchased anything online, you could receive a free three wick candle.  I bought some of the little plug in scents that they have, and all of this that I've mentioned smells divine.

I'm currently working on the Pumpkin French Toast candle, and it smells so good that it almost makes me hungry.  All of these fall scents are my favorite thing right now, and I can't get enough.  I LOVE lighting candles in my home, because we are here most every day and it makes my house seem cozy.  I leave them burning all day, usually, and that's another thing that I love about these candles.  They last a pretty long time.  When I'm done with them, I like to pour boiling water into the jars and clean them out really well, and I keep them.

Years ago, on the Women Living Well blog, Courtney mentions how when she lights candles in her home, it's a reminder for her to pray for peace in her home and in her family.  It's something I've liked to do ever since I read that.  I also like to keep music playing in the daytime.  I rarely turn on the tv during the day, but the kitchen radio is on almost all day.

Monday night at church was one of my favorite moments from the week.  It was for the group called Women on Mission, and Mrs. Betty that you see pictured above was telling us of all the ways we can be involved in missions in and around our city and world.  I loved this night, and decided then that I want to be like these sweet ladies when I reach that age.

Another favorite from the week was this verse that I read, also on Monday.  I really needed to read these words on that particular day, and the Lord was gracious to lead me to that passage in Second Corinthians.

I saw this on the P31 ministries on Instagram and loved it...and it's coincidental that prayer has been on my heart a lot this week.

Speaking of prayer...

This little hidden inner prayer room at my church is my new favorite spot in the whole building.  I loved spending time here, praying this week, and I look forward to using it again next week.

Maybe, if no one else is in there.

There's even a little switch you flip when you walk in the room, that lights up a little light bulb right above the door outside, to signal to people that someone is in there.

On a MUCH lighter note, I painted my fingernails yesterday with this color, and I love it.  It's an older OPI color, called Suzy Loves Cowboys.  It's fun and fall-ish.

I love fall, can you tell?  I think it may be my favorite season.

Thanks for reading!  Love to all.

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