Monday, August 1, 2016

weekend update

Happy Monday!  We have one more week of summer break in these parts, and school starts again.  I'm in denial.  For one reason, because my son will be a senior and I almost cannot talk about it without crying.  For another reason, because of the girls I love.  They're not allowed to leave our youth group ever.

On Friday night, we were all over the place.  Graham and Drew attended a Mercy Me/Jeremy Camp concert with a couple of friends (well, one girlfriend and one friend), and Noah went to Alex's basketball games.  That left Todd, Jonah and myself at home, and we were going to go out to eat, but then the sky dropped and we decided cereal sounded great for dinner instead.  After that, though, Todd and Jonah went to the church to work an event that Graham was hired for.

I watched Parenthood on Netflix.  Because I've started to watch it again, this time, all the way through every season.  (I'm on season two.)

Also on Friday, I was reading from Ephesians and was loving this passage of Scripture.

I love the Word of God and how living and active it is...I say this all the time, but He blows my mind with this little fact sometimes.  Friday was one such time.

On Saturday morning, I got up and got dressed and went out with my sister Trish and my mom.

It's been YEARS since I've been to a Farmer's market, and it was fun walking through and seeing all the goods.  I came home with tortilla chips, guacamole and pico de gallo from Las Delicias.  Drew is in heaven.  He's the one who asked for those things.

We went to a few more places while we were out, then I came home and we had a yummy dinner.

Jonah and Noah went swimming with Alex and his cousins, and after dinner, some teenagers came over.  My friend Missy came over too, and that's always fun.

Also, look at my spoiled dog.  Sometimes he sits in the kitchen chairs, because he thinks he's human.

Sunday found me at church with my husband at 7:30.  I was singing on praise team that day and had to be there at 8:30, and rather than waking the boys up to take me or have them go forty five minutes early, I just rode with Todd.

While I was there and sitting, I read this passage from Ephesians.  (Seeing a theme there?)

This is from chapter three.  I pray these verses over my kids, and it sounds something like this:

"Lord, thank You for the relationships my boys have with You.  I pray that they would all be strengthened with power in Your Spirit, that You would dwell in their hearts forever, not ever letting a day go by that they don't walk with You.  I pray that they will always be rooted in You and established in Your love, and that they would know how wide, how tall, how deep Your love is for them and that they would be filled with all of Your fullness.  I ask these things in the strong and majestic name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.  Amen."

I love praying Scripture, especially over those in my family.  It is so powerful to pray God's Word, and the Word is His will, so I know He will answer this prayer I have prayed.

 I have so much more to say on this, but I'll save it for a later date.

Last night was community group, and y'all, we had a TON of teenagers show up!  Twice as many as we had originally thought.  I think our pizza was like Jesus feeding the 5,000 with the loaves of bread and two small seems as if He multiplied our food.

They had fun swimming, as usual, and I loved being with them and talking and getting all caught up again.  It amazes me how each week, I seem to love them more and more.  I am so thankful I get to work with these amazing young people.  I am forever grateful to God for making me fall in love with teenagers three years ago.

I love them so much.  We were so glad to welcome home this one on the right, Kaylee, after she was gone all of July.  I've missed her smiling face.

Todd worked last night, so after this, Drew had some friends over, then he and Graham left to spend the night with their friend Tom.  They're still there.

And I came across a song yesterday that I cannot stop listening to this morning.  I'll leave you with the video.

I have to get moving on laundry, because I didn't touch it all weekend.  Have a great day, my friends.  Love to all.

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