Monday, August 8, 2016

the weekend

This was a really good, really FAST weekend.  I shouldn't be surprised anymore at how time goes by so quickly, but I don't know if I'll ever get used to that fact.

On Friday night, we had a last hoorah of the summer with the senior girls.  We went to a taco truck and to Jerry's for snow cones.

It was one hundred and forty two degrees outside, but still, they managed to look fresh and adorable, as always.

I, on the other hand, was hotter than Hades and could not stop sweating.  And then I stayed that way all weekend.

Saturday was one of those rare days that found most of us at home for the day.  Our friends and old neighbors came in town for a funeral, and though we only saw them in passing, we did get to spend two full days with their older boys.  I loved seeing these sweet friends reunited.

I love how Crash posed with them.

Todd and Drew had gotten up earlier to take Callie to the vet to get her ears checked, and to pick up a futon we bought to replace a metal frame one that broke.  They also attempted to work on Drew's brakes, but Todd didn't have the right tools.  And then Todd installed a new radio in my Suburban.

We met for dinner at Booya's with a group of people that go on the Navajo trip, and got to visit with Mark and Penny.

And then yesterday was spent at church.  I left home at nine that morning and did not return until eight last night.  After church we had lunch at a friend's house, then I had choir practice, and finally, community group.

I am so glad to be back in community group with the senior girls!  It was a great weekend.

Love to all!

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