Monday, August 15, 2016

the weekend, Pascal edition

I think this might be the perfect day to start our school year.  It's kinda dreary outside, and it can't decide whether or not it wants to rain.  Either way, I'm good.  I have nowhere to be all day and I have plenty to do around here to keep me busy, AND I have lots of dinner options, thanks to trip to Costco and Kroger over the weekend.

Our Friday night was super exciting.  (Insert sarcasm.)  We made a Costco run for the second night in a row.  We only had Jonah, Noah and Alex with us.  Graham went to the jamboree at Houston High School with friends and Drew and his friend Andrew went to a movie.  We shopped, then we ate.

On Instagram, about this photo, I said, "Some husbands buy their wives flowers, but mine buys me books."  Which is fine with me, because we all know how I feel about books.  I love Debbie Macomber and was excited to see this new one.  This is her fifth book in this particular series, which I started reading at the beginning of the year.

After Costco, we ran to Pet Smart, because Jonah and Noah wanted to make a purchase.

Meet Pascal, their new bearded dragon.  He will grow leaps and bounds in the first few months of his life and will eventually be about two feet long.  Drew's girlfriend Emma named him.  Pascal is from my favorite Disney cartoon movie, Tangled.  For now, he eats the same meal worms as the leopard geckos, but will eventually eat the giant ones.  They already had the tank for him, but they purchased a new water bowl, a bulb for the lamp, and a heating pad to sit the cage on top of.  Later on that night when I posted this picture to social media, my friend Shea told me that they had some stuff for him they could have if they wanted, so the next morning, they went and got another cage (with a background on it, so it's way cooler), a lamp, a shelter thing and a water bowl.  I'm so thankful for sweet friends who help a girl's twins out.

They are pleased as punch over this new little guy (Girl?) and he really is a sweet little thing.  He's pretty chill and just hangs out on your shirt if you hold him.

He's still a teensy bit freaky, but he's sweet.  They were laughing at me when I took this.

That was only meant for Snap Chat, by the way.

Also?  They thought it would be fun to put Pascal on my kitchen counter and the LIVE meal worm on the counter as well, and feed him.  That ranks right up with them using my good tweezers to feed meal worms to the leopard geckos.  (Yes, both of those things actually happened.)

Saturday we stayed home all day and watched the Olympics.  I ran a few errands and came home and made brownies to take to a friend's house that night, and we ate dinner at their house and played cards until Jonah fell asleep in their living room floor.  We haven't been to the Essary's house in forever, and it was fun being back with them.

This for real happened.  Every singer inner brownie was eaten (three by me) and all the edges and corners are left.  Crazy.

Sunday was church!

This is our new class!  They're the junior girls and we are LOVING getting to know them!

I had choir practice yesterday afternoon, then community group was last night.

These girls wanted to learn about prayer, so we talked about that and I told them what someone taught me.  After that, most of them made prayer notebooks.  These are some happy girls you see coloring to their little hearts desires.

It was a great weekend.  I hope yours was too.  If you think about it, I'd love your prayers for our school year that we're starting today, that everything they (WE) do is done enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men.

That's from Colossians three.

Thanks in advance and love to all.

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