Friday, August 26, 2016

Friday Favorites, the night before vacation edition

Happy Friday!  After today, I'll be taking a blog break for the next week since we'll be away on vacation.  !!!  This makes my heart so happy.  I LOVE vacation.  I had a pediatrician tell me once that a vacation wasn't a trip with your family, but one without your kids.  Can you even believe that?!  I totally disagree with his opinion.  In my world, vacation means that we go away together as a family.  I don't know how many more of these we have left with Graham graduating this year, so I'm soaking it all up and I intend to enjoy every single minute.

I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals for this post.

This was a favorite moment from our weekend with Denise, Joe and Katie.  We loved having them here to visit!  This was the day we ate at Pyro's and then went to Hinton Park here in the Ville.

Last Saturday, when we all started waking up, we declared it a lazy day, and this is how I spent the first part of my day.  Katie brought coloring books, pencils and crayons with her and I colored.  How old am I?  Coloring is still one of my favorite past times.

Our favorite game for the past year almost, has been this game Tripoley.  It's three games in one and is crazy fun.  This picture cracks me up.  Phyllis had JUST been taught how to play and she was smoking us all.  When she left, we all divided her chips and each got five rows of nine.

Have you ever read a book you loved so much that you take your time reading?  That's how I've been with this book.  Lately I have been reading new authors and this one might be a new favorite.  This is the one that Amazon recommended for me, and it turns out, they know me pretty well!

I LOVED our lunch together on Wednesday.  She is my favorite.  I love lunches out!  I don't do this usually, because I don't like to leave very often when the guys are doing their school work, but this was a special occasion.

This is my favorite picture that I posted all week.  I told you what I said about sweet Noah on social media, but what I said was not just words.  Every bit of it was genuine and true.  I love this boy's heart.  It's as big as any I've ever seen.

He LOVES this picture, and that boy that was sitting in his lap.

Remember the favorite pens I mentioned last week?  I used those (Papermate Flair felt tip pens) to make these lists that you see.  This is how I vacation.  I make lists and lists and I check them repeatedly.  I made more after this picture, the packing kind that the boys will use tonight when they pack.  I made a list of meals while we're gone, marking the items that I would need to buy.  Then I made a shopping list, dividing it up between Costco and Kroger.  I make packing lists for the boys, and a list of items that I need to take that are not food related.

It's detailed, I know, but it works for me.  And I know tons of people who like to do this on the computer, but I like the actual art of handwriting.  It's therapeutic to me.

Well, I need to start marking things off the list that stays running in my head, speaking of.  Have a great weekend, and I'll "see" you back here in a little more than a week.  Vacation is my most favorite.

Love to all!

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