Thursday, June 2, 2016

goings on this week

It's been the WEIRDEST week ever.  With half of my family gone, it's been oddly quiet.  Did I mention on here that my tv has been out since Sunday night?  It has.  It's made for some quiet evenings and some good reading.

And the older boys have been gone a lot.  A LOT.  And they're gone again tonight, this time, spending the night with a friend.

Odd, I tell you.

I've filled my time, though, with good things.

I spent some good time with the Lord here at my kitchen table yesterday.  I do love a quiet morning, and I love good lighting and all these things you see above.

I love Jesus most, though, and I love the way He shows me truths in His word.  I'm still scribbling away, making my way through First Peter.

I'm almost at the point that I need to go shopping for a new journal.

I've had some fun moments with some pretty amazing girls.

I love this girl so much.  She's fun to be around, and I can always count on her to do something that will give me a great laugh.  Yesterday it was the fact that she is running her poor Grammy ragged.  Not really...but her sweet mom has been at middle school camp with the other half of my family all week, so really, she's been staying with her Grammy.

She opened up this bottle (for the first time), telling us she was practicing for our upcoming mission trip to the Navajo reservation in Arizona.

That practicing isn't doing her much good, if yesterday was the first time she had opened it.

This crazy girl lives on chicken nuggets and macaroni and food that's similar.  I'm trying to talk her into trying more, but she gags.

I'm not even kidding.

I hung out with more than just her yesterday.

Here are some of the other ones.  We had great intentions, but it was so hot that we called it quits and went to Missy's house for grilled cheese sandwiches and dinosaur chicken nuggets.  We also started watching Father of the Bride, but never finished.

I foresee that changing in the near future.

It was a fun afternoon and then I had choir practice last night.

 I LOVE choir practice, but I missed my sweet Abbey.  We have so much more fun when we're together.

I see my family tomorrow!  I can't wait.

Love to all!

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