Wednesday, June 8, 2016

a list of random things (because it's been so long)

It is starting to hit me that we are leaving town in forty-eight hours.  As that time draws closer, my list of thing to do before leaving seems to be growing!  Yesterday I spent several hours at our church with a sweet girl going with us (Eryn), getting resources and making examples of crafts for our preschool kids and then making copies.  I was so hugely overwhelmed with it all when I got back home that I just laid down and took a nap.


Because apparently, all the other things I had to do didn't matter.

The things rolling around in my brain would make a sane person crazy.  I'm trying to keep up with my lists, but I have several lists.  I have a "to-do list", a "to buy" list, and a reminder list of things to pay before I leave (bills) and a list of things to tell my sister Trish, who is staying at our house the whole time we are gone.

Because of all these things listed above, this morning, I needed an extra large cup of coffee.  Or two.

I may regret it later if my heart starts racing, but I needed the extra dosage of caffeine this morning.  Thankfully, I had a really great quiet time with the Lord.  I spent a long time praying, then I read from Psalms.  I wrote it down in my journal, but for the life of me, I can't remember which Psalm I read.  I also wrote out my scripture and I did day one of a bible study I started last night.  (On the fruits of the Holy Spirit!)

I came away from quiet time feeling very refreshed, and thanking God for His timing in this study.  In it, we are being challenged to live life fully by the Holy Spirit dwelling within us.  We are not capable of anything on our own, but with His Holy Spirit, He makes us capable.

It's perfect for my upcoming trip to the Navajo reservation!  I don't know why I'm surprised...because how like God is that?  To give me exactly what I need, right when I need it?

It's all happenstance, too, which is another story in itself, but basically, I ran into a sweet friend at Lifeway last Friday and she told me about this study she was going to do this summer on her own.  I invited myself to join her, and she said yes.  I'm so thankful for God's gift of friends to me.

Something else that made my heart so thankful last night was the fact that one of my dreams came true.  I have ALWAYS wanted to be in a book club, and last night we met for the first time, for our summer book club.  Honestly, I hope it continues each month long after the summer passes, because I LOVE meeting and discussing books.  We are reading together (me for the second time) the book Nobody's Cuter Than You, by Melanie Shankle, author of the Big Mama blog.

And speaking of books, look at what was waiting on me when I got home yesterday!

I pre-ordered this book a month or so ago, and yesterday was the release date.  I love me a book by Sophie Hudson or Melanie Shankle.  They're the perfect summer reads~lighthearted, witty and so good you won't put them down.

I'll let you know my thoughts on this book when I'm done, but I already know I'm going to love it.

Her other books are just as great.

As are Melanie Shankle's.

Well.  I need to run.  I have laundry and such calling my name.  Please keep praying for all of us going on this trip!  Thanks in advance.

Love to all.

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