Wednesday, May 4, 2016

What's Up Wednesday

I thought I'd participate in a little something new this week.  And because I have recently run out of blog ideas.

What We're Eating:

Well, we are eating healthier.  I made a run to Costco Monday and bought tons of fruits, veggies and healthy snack options.  I'm trying to make myself eat breakfast every day and I'm even making the boys do this with me.  So far for dinner this week we've had salmon with olive oil and lemon and oven roasted potatoes and last night while Todd and I were both gone (to separate functions), they all made taquitos and chicken wings.  And they did not burn the house down.  Bonus!

What I'm Reminiscing About:

These senior girls that are about to graduate.

This picture above was our last day in their class on Sunday mornings.  I feel like my friend Scottie and I relinquished them kicking and screaming, but we acknowledged last night that God's ways are perfect and it was all just part of His plan.  Below are Scottie and myself.  The originals.  Goodness.  Hair change much?  (Me.)

Below are the girls pictured with Mr. Frank and Mrs. Audrey, a sweet couple who took us in one snowy February day at D-Now and fed us hot chocolate and cookies and told us all about their marriage.  Since that day, we have called them our foster grandparents.  They have prayed so faithfully for these girls over the years and they came to their senior banquet last night!  Tears.

These sweet girl below is an old friend's daughter.  I didn't get to spend as much time with her over the years, but I love her and pray for her daily nevertheless.

Side note: if you want teenagers to go crazy over your hair, dye it burgundy.  These girls cannot seem to stop gushing over my hair color.

I cannot BELIEVE these loves are graduating.  Seems like three years knowing them and mentoring them flew right by.

What I'm Loving:

My first and second (and only) cups of coffee every morning.  I also cannot wait to wake up every day and spend time with God.  I love my morning quiet time.

What We've Been Up To:

School work and the finishing of the school work.  We've also been cleaning this week and I've been organizing and purging lots of stuff.  On Saturday I spent three hours cleaning out the tornado closet under the stairs.  I need to do this more and I need to concentrate on my kitchen cabinets.

What I'm Dreading:

Doctor's appointments.  Getting older sucks and this fortieth year of life I'm living is not turning out quite like I expected.  Ugh.

What I'm Working On:

Organizing cabinets and drawers and cleaning out our homeschool stuff and making my lists of things to purchase for our next school year.

What I'm Excited About:

Every morning.  See above statement.  Also, I'm so excited for the summer!  I'm looking forward to lots of days lounging in the pool.  Not really, I don't lounge in the pool, I tread water the whole time so I can exercise.

What I'm Watching/Reading:

Every night when I go to bed, I watch an episode of an Army Wives.  It's my favorite show ever.  Sometimes I read when I go to bed, but lately I've not been able to get into the book I'm reading, which is the fifth installment of The Mitford series by Jan Karon.

What I'm Listening To:

Air One!  And when I'm in the car with my kids, we listen to their choice.  My favorites are always Maroon 5 and Megan Trainor.

What I'm Doing This Weekend:

I'm hoping to have a game night on Saturday night, with some friends.  The boys have plans on Saturday, at our town's Fair On The Square.  On Sunday after church, I'm hoping to meet my in-love's and my mom and step-dad for lunch.  We did that last year and it was fun seeing them at the same time.

What I'm Looking Forward To In May:

The start of lazy summer days!  And camps for my boys.  Jonah's and Noah's middle school camp is the last week of May, and I am so excited for them.  I know they're excited as well.

What I'd Like For Mother's Day:

I could say time with my kids and hubby, but I do get that every day.  I will be materialistic and say that I really want a FitBit Alta.  I picked out the color and everything, and I need it to help me make sure to get my exercise in every single day.  Otherwise, I let it slip.

Thanks for reading!  Love to all.

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