Monday, May 23, 2016

weekend update

This weekend was so good!

On Friday night, we wanted something different for dinner, so I suggested Milano's.  That's a locally owned Italian restaurant that has a very simple menu.  The choices are pizza, stromboli, and calzones.  When we left our house, I pulled out right behind my friend Missy.  When she turned on to her street, so did I.  I told her to just get in the car and come to dinner with us, but her husband was already home from work (which I'd forgotten), so she needed to get him first.  They met us at the restaurant and we enjoyed an unexpected little night out together.

Missy and I ALWAYS have fun together.

On Saturday, I had a few errands to run while my family was gone all day, so we split up and I ran those errands with my mom and sister, Trish.  One of the places we went to was one of my happy places~a bookstore.  I bought a new book by a new (to me) author.  I have had a few people recommend her books to me before, so when I saw this one on clearance, I snatched it up.

I wish I could tell you I'm halfway through it, but I'd be lying.  I finished season six of Army Wives, and I haven't read it much since Saturday.  I'm still on chapter three.

Another place we went was to the beauty supply store.  I got a new nailpolish that I love.  It's fun and summery.

The family all came back home and Todd worked that night with the sheriff's department.  The boys and I went to my mom's and stepdad's for dinner.  After dinner, we love to go sit on the back porch and talk.  And gaze.  I love this tree that's in their backyard.

It's so pretty out there and the weather that entire day was perfect.  It was almost a little cool, which I never mind.  I love these times I spend there on that back porch.

On Sunday we were at church all the livelong day.  Seriously.  I was there from eight thirty until twelve thirty, then back at two fifteen until seven.  It was an unusual day~as busy as Sunday is, we're never all there that long.  I had a meeting, then choir practices and then a children's play that night.  After the service, this one and I went to eat with some cool teenagers finishing up their junior year of high school.

These are our excited faces.  We were excited about the ADORABLE kids musical that just happened at our church, and the fact that summer is almost here!  We look forward to spending LOTS of time with our favorite kind of people to be around.  (Teenagers.)  We have lots and lots of fun plans and, God willing, camp at the beach.  We are thrilled to be doing this stage of life together, too.  We always have fun together, Missy and I, and I thank God for her friendship.  Never in a million years did I know, that soon after I would meet her, that she would be become one of my very best friends ever of all time.  I love her so much.

I hope you had a great weekend!  I'm leaving you with a video to watch that I am obsessed with.

Enjoy!  Love to all.

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