Monday, April 25, 2016

The Weekend

Friday was sort of a sucky day, I am not going to lie.  Things didn't happen as I thought they would and it almost stole my joy on that day.  I will write more about that later, though.  Needless to say, by the time the afternoon rolled around, I was thrilled that it was the women's conference weekend, because I really needed it.  This is the third one that I've attended, and this is the third time I've helped lead worship.  It's always a joy and an honor to be a part of something like this, and the weekend didn't disappoint.

Here are some of the other ladies who helped lead worship, though two of them had to leave early and are not pictured.

I love spending time with like-minded women of God.  It does my heart so good.  I am so thankful for my church family, and for all the people who put this event together.

I love the picture of those two sweet girls reading in Emma's bible together!  No event is complete without a picture of this sweet friend and me.

I went to the visitation of a friend's mom after the conference and then I had to run to the grocery store.  For dinner I was making meatloaf, something Drew had been asking for, for at least two weeks in a row.  He currently has a cracked rib, and I feel so bad for him...and as much as I didn't feel like cooking dinner, I made the boy his dinner request.

Meatloaf, homemade mashed potatoes, green beans and rolls.  Drew was in heaven, though you should see what his plate looked like.  He just mixed it all up together.

It was a low key night at home, and Todd worked.  I watched a movie then went to bed early.

On Sunday morning, we went to church, and we celebrated this girl's birthday in class, with birthday cake for breakfast.

From front to back are Ellen (the birthday girl), Eryn and a visitor we had yesterday, Missy.  Who doesn't love birthday cake for breakfast?!

Our pastor preached the BEST sermon yesterday.

I loved this quote he said, from A.W. Tozer.

The whole service was wonderful, as usual.

After church, the boys all went to Wendy's, then we had a meeting from two to four.  We are going on a family mission trip this summer, to Arizona, to a Navajo reservation.  I'm  really excited about it.  And kinda nervous, but mostly just excited.

After the meeting, we rushed home to straighten up a bit before community group, and while I made the drinks for our night, these three did this:

They're so cute.  And the best of friends.  Alex is also going on this trip over the summer, and I'm so glad.

It was a really good weekend.  I'm about to leave for Nashville for one night for a conference for youth leaders, and I'm excited about that.  So, I need to stop with this post and go pack.  Have a great day!

Love to all.

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  Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a good weekend; mine was so good. I had the perfect blend of family and friends to make it the best ...