Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Last night, all the boys in the house had an event at church that they went to, leaving me at home alone.  Except that I ended up not staying home, when I remembered they were all going.  My mom, my sister Trish, Missy and I all went to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2.

It. Was. So. Good.  

I love, love, love going to a movie and laughing, and that is what I did the entire time of the movie.  It was a spin off of their lives from the last time we saw them, with their daughter a teenager now.  It was so closely tied to the first one that it seemed like you were just picking right back up where the last one left off, except several years later.

I don't usually go to movies much anymore (except with this one above and teenage girls), because I hate paying the price for the ticket, especially if I don't know how good the movie is.  There's nothing like going and then being disappointed.  This one was clean (for the most part).  There was a little bit of sexual humor thrown in, but the ones making the jokes were married, so that makes me not mind it as much.

Have you been?  Are there any other movies you've seen lately that you loved?  I never go, and don't even know what's playing right now.  

There's a movie we're wanting to go see with some teenagers, coming out in July, called The Secret Life of Pets.  We laughed ridiculously hard during the trailer.  

Love to all!  

(And yes, I'm back to being a brunette.)

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