Monday, April 11, 2016

Friday Night

If you know me even a little, you know that I love to read.  I was introduced to my favorite author ten years ago, by my mom-in-love.  That author is Karen Kingsbury.  Her books are called Life Changing Fiction for a reason.  They are books that make you examine your own relationship with God, and when you see it lacking, you pray to change that.  Life changing.

If you don't know about her and think you might be interested in her books, I'm going to give you a link to her website.  She writes many books in series form, so be sure and read them in order.  Click here to visit her website.

She started a tour with her family recently and when I learned she was coming to Memphis, I was interested in going, but not sure about paying the money and what it would be like...those things can be kinda hokey, and I am careful about where I spend money.  When my friend Missy texted and asked if I would be interested in going and volunteering to get in free, I said yes.  So, this is us from Friday night.

Left to right are Missy, Lori, me and my mom-in-love.

We got to sit in on a question and answer talk from her and her family, which was really sweet, and only Missy and I were needed to volunteer.  We passed out packets for Compassion International during the five minutes before intermission.  The event started with worship led by her son, son-in-love and another son playing the drums.  It was so good!  And then she just spoke from her heart.  She is honest, funny and completely God honoring in how she speaks and tells stories of their life as a family.

I think we all left with the same opinion of the event~we were all impressed by how good it was and we all left feeling very encouraged in our stages of life.  I am so thankful that we were able to go, and it was fun spending time with these sweet ladies.

Happy Monday to you and thanks for reading my blog!  Love to all.

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