Monday, March 21, 2016

the weekend

Our weekend was very low key and pretty boring.  Thank the good Lord that on Friday night I sent my friend Missy a text saying how much I hated basketball, because then she came over.  We went upstairs to the playroom to watch a movie, but we ended up pushing pause and just talking instead.  At some point the boys all came upstairs to be with us, and it was almost eleven thirty before she left.  That was the bright spot in my bleak weekend.

Because on Saturday morning, Drew and I were at the doctor's office.

He tested positive for the flu.  He just did this all weekend, because he felt miserable.

I went to get his medicine and some comfort food and grabbed a bag of my favorite candy while I was there.

I spent all of Saturday taking care of him and cooking, cleaning and laundering.

On Sunday Todd and Graham went to church, but the rest of us stayed home, and before they woke up, I watched the service at Bellevue on tv and had my quiet time.

I went to choir practice at three and came home and made dinner for Drew, while the rest of my family scattered like ants.  I'm so thankful for friends who help me with transportation when my husband works and when my son's Bronco is being repaired.  When the two thirteen year old's got home, we watched Passion Live, thanks to a friend of mine who posted about it on Facebook.

It was awesome hearing the Name of Jesus mentioned on tv, during the prime time hour.  Tyler Perry hosted and though it was different, it was really good.  This was the story of Him, but in modern day times.  Tyler Perry told the part about His crucifixion out of the bible, and did a great job.  It was a little watered down for my taste, but maybe it was enough to make people examine their hearts.

Overall, we really enjoyed watching.

And this morning, the flu virus claimed its third victim in our home, Graham.  I am praying the doctor will just call in the Tamiflu for him so I don't have to pay another co-pay and for the medicine.  Poor guy.  We'll come out of hibernation eventually.  Thank the good Lord for Netflix and for my library books that I'm flying through.

That was it for our weekend.  Have a great day!  Love to all.

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