Wednesday, March 2, 2016

prayer request

This upcoming weekend is a huge youth event at our church.  D Now stands for Disciple Now, and it's a weekend long retreat of sorts, for all of youth.  The retreat part is local, though.  All the youth will stay in host homes for Friday and Saturday nights, and all our meeting will take place at church.  It's an intense weekend of pouring into teenagers.  This is only my third year to participate, and I am excited about our days together.  I cannot wait to see what all God does, because we have been praying for this for so long!

Here is where I need you.  Please help me pray:

That kids would be saved.
That relationships would be restored.
That students would learn dependence upon prayer and a passion for God's word.
That students would have a heart to tell everyone of the hope of Jesus.
That there would be no sickness, injuries or pettiness.
That God would give students CLARITY on His plan in their lives.  (The theme is Clarity.)
That God would give students a desire to go and make disciples.
That all the adult leaders would be in unity.
That more students would sign up!  God knows who needs to be there.  The last count was 120.

My boys will be there, and of course, I am praying all of this for them every bit as much as I am praying this for ALL the students.  But man, has there been major warfare this week.  There have been issues with sickness, gossip, torn relationships, division in some of my boys and their friends, and just plain ole meanness and madness.

Of COURSE there has been warfare this week before this huge event.  I was reading (and memorizing) Ephesians 6:10-18 yesterday, and I read (again) that our battle is NOT against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, the authorities, the world powers of this darkness, the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.  Satan is a roaring lion, and he is prowling around, seeking someone to devour.


The God of peace will soon crush Satan under our feet (Romans 16:20).

Will you join me in praying this over all our students this weekend?

I would be ever so thankful.

One more thing...

"May the LORD be praised, for He has heard the sound of my pleading."  Psalm 28:6

Thank you.  Love to all.

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