Monday, March 14, 2016

a week away

My goodness.  Apparently sometimes I just totally neglect the old blog and don't sign in for more than a week.  I will start off where I left off, more than a week ago.

Last weekend we had D-Now at our church for the youth.  What an amazing weekend!  There are so many little things that God did among so many of the groups.  I was talking to a friend about all of it last week....apologies were said to teenagers and relationships were restored, forgiveness was freely given, old grudges were cast away, barriers were broken between some of the students and God...I am telling you.  He did so much.  I am so thankful that He not only heard every prayer that we uttered but that He went above and beyond in answering them.  He is so good.

Here are a few pictures.

I was with the eleventh grade girls.  This last picture of Missy and me cracks me up....we were sitting in a little corner of this green field behind the church, and we felt like we were invisible.  People kept walking right by us and not seeing us or talking to us, but we were fine with it!  We were just sitting up on the hill laughing and talking while the girls did the games on the field.  (#leaderfail)  We didn't care about the competition part of the weekend, because honestly, both of of us couldn't care less.  How is this for irony?  We won second place.  Not only did we win second place for the weekend, the church is treating the girls and us to Winter Jam in Tupelo in a couple of weeks.  I do not know how this happened, us winning second place.  We are still cracking up over the whole thing.

It was an amazing and fun weekend.

This is one that I am eternally thankful to God for.

I love her so much.

Once Monday came, my house needed a good cleaning.  I did only that all day long and it was nice having it all done at the same time.  That lasted for about all of five minutes, because then the dogs and the boys came back home.  Lol.

On Tuesday, Todd woke up really sick.  And proceeded to stay that way all week long.  I took care of him the whole week and sprayed everything down with Lysol, and tried to rework the birthday plans.

Because these guys turned thirteen on Thursday.

We were going to have a family party, but we had to cancel because of Todd being sick.  Instead, we went to eat dinner at Pyro's, with some friends from church.

Then on Friday, this one turned seventeen.

But in between their birthdays, Graham had major car problems and his Bronco broke down at our homeschool group and stayed that way until the next night, when Todd and a friend from church went and worked on it enough to get it started and back home.

I ran all over town, it seemed, on Thursday to do an errand for my husband, and to rescue Graham and Drew, and that night I went to bed at eight thirty.  But then my sister called me, and we talked for the next two hours, but it was so worth it!  We NEVER get to talk for that long, and we had such a great conversation.  I miss you, Lisa!

On Saturday, Todd felt human again, and took Jonah and Noah to get their birthday presents.  They got phones!  They're a tad excited about them.  ;)  They went from having no phones, to having the nicest phones in the family.

Also, last week, I worked on memorizing scripture.

I'm memorizing Colossians 3 with Abbey and a sweet teenager named Katie.  :)  So I went over and over and over all these cards.

That's about it for our the middle of all this, our town just about flooded everywhere with all the torrential rain we've had, but today the sun is shining and I am praising God for this new week.  I hope your day is great!  Love to all.

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