Monday, February 1, 2016

Goals, Old & New

Am I the only one who thinks that the months between January and March fly by with lightning speed?  Maybe it's because we're almost upon birthday season in our house, but man, I think this every single year and I am always surprised.  I guess I should be used to it by now, but somehow, I'm not.

I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish in January, and here's what the list looked like.

1.  Read lots!  The goal was two read at least two nonfiction books.

Well, I sure did read a lot of books.  I read five books in the month of January, and not one of them was nonfiction.  There's still this month.  I posted the books that I read this month last week, if you're curious.  Just scroll down a bit and you will the post, The Books on my Nightstand-January Edition.  I am already well into my first book for this month, because I started it on Thursday of last week.  I didn't count that one for January but will add it to my list this month.

2.  One (at least) family game night.

Fail.  There was one night when it was just the boys and me at home, and I tried with everything in me to get them to go play a game with me, but nobody was excited about that.  I don't even think we had a friend game night, with our favorite game playing friends.

3.  Have one (at least) family over for dinner.

Well, we had my mom and step-dad over for lunch one Sunday after church, so I counted them as this goal.  (That wasn't planned.)  It was the day that I made a giant pot of homemade chicken noodle soup.  It was so nice coming home to a hot meal after church!  I really need to do this more often.

I also had this sweet lady over two times in two weeks, for dinner.  I'm totally counting her as well!

4.  One date night with Todd.

On Saturday January 9, we went out for sushi.  It was delicious and we had a great time.

5.  Send a couple of letters or cards.

I did this!  I loved doing this one, I love to encourage people.

Here's my list for February.

1.  A date night with Toddley.

2.  Read more than I watch TV.

3.  Send two cards to people.

4.  Walk often, alone and with Callie and Crash.  (Callie has lots of energy she needs to get out!  Walking helps.)

5.  Game night with family.  I am trying this one again!

What are some of your goals?  I'd love to hear some of your ideas in the comments section!  Have a great day and love to all.

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