Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals for this post.

It's been a good, but low key week around here.  Noah and I are fighting off a sinus infection, so we've spent a lot of time just laying around, resting.  On weeks like this, I am so thankful that we homeschool, because we get to work at our own pace.  (But I'm always thankful that we homeschool.)


Because of what I just said above, I have been spending a lot of free time with my journaling bible.  I love this bible that I got a year ago, but I don't always use it.  I was inspired a couple of weeks ago to get it back out and dust it off, and this week it has been one of my favorite past times.  My friend Tiffany and I texted pictures of our art back and forth this week.


A couple of favorite images I've seen from the interwebs this week.  I love what both of these images say.  Don't talk about people and don't be mean.  Those two phrases seem to be a theme in my life with my kids lately.  About how they act and about how others act and how they should be the opposite.


I've loved journals forever, and I've had some that were my favorites, but it's been over a year since I've loved a journal as much as I love this one.  I'm glad my friend Abbey told me about the journals at Barnes and Noble.  I really want to be done with the current one I'm using.  I'm almost there!


Coffee has been my favorite drink of all this week.  It feels so good and soothing on my scratchy throat!  And my favorite to go mug right now is this one that my sister Lisa bought me.


Last, but not least, is my current favorite OPI nail polish that is pictured above.

It's hard to see in this picture, but it's a sparkly pinkish red.  Perfect for Valentine's day!  It's called Meep, Meep, Meep and it's from the OPI Muppets line from a couple of years ago.  To go with that are my favorite top coat and quick dry spray.  Seche Vite is the topcoat and Rapidry from OPI are what I use on my nails.  Those are the two products that I use to make them look good all the time.  People always think I get them done, but I don't....I just use good products.

Well....laundry is calling me.  Have a great weekend being with those you love!

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