Monday, January 4, 2016

the weekend~holiday break is almost over edition

Happy Monday morning!  There is something so great about this day of winding down our holiday break.  The house is (almost) back in order, the kids all start back to school tomorrow and it's a brand new year with a clean slate.  I love fresh starts.  I have a few ideas up my sleeve for this new year, but I'll talk about those tomorrow.

My older boys went to work with Toddley today, so it's just the younger two, Alex and myself around the house.  My plans for the day consist of vacuuming up all the hair that Callie has shed all over our floor, laundry and dusting.  The bedrooms and bathrooms will be tackled tomorrow.

We had a wonderfully lazy weekend.  After being out until after three a.m. New Year's eve, that Friday was so relaxing.  I didn't get out of bed until almost eleven and the kids all slept in until after noon.  This was my view all day Friday and Saturday.

Although, on Saturday, I did do lots of laundry.  I got completely caught up from the day and a half that I didn't do any, then sat and enjoyed the rest of this book.  I finished it on Sunday after church.

Todd worked on Saturday night, so we stayed in and watched football, then White House Down.  We called it an early night and went to bed around ten.  After church yesterday, we ate lunch out, then came home and each did our own things.  Todd had a repair to make, I read and the boys went and played soccer at a park with their friends.

Last night, in lieu of community group, one of the junior girls invited all of the juniors to her house in the country for a bonfire.  It was cold, but so much fun!  We had tacos and s'mores and had fun laughing around the fire.

It was a great weekend, and a wonderful time off from school for the boys.  I will be glad to be back to a routine tomorrow, though.  I hope your day is great!  Thanks for reading.  Love to all.

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