Monday, December 7, 2015

the weekend

It was a wonderful, really fast weekend.  I was without my family for the most of it, because they spent a lot of time at our church setting up for the Christmas program happening this coming weekend.  I did see them here and there, though.

Friday night was the first Christmas parade our town has had in three years!  One year it was cancelled because of ice, the next year was cancelled because of rain.  We have missed it so much and had a great time with our friends.

It was cold, which was I was so thankful for~it just seems more like December when you have to bundle up to go outside.  The kids all ran around like crazy, though, without jackets for most of the night.

After the parade, Todd and the little guys went back to finish up working in the sanctuary, but Graham, Drew and I headed upstairs to the youth area for Coffee House.

Fun was had, coffee was consumed, pictures in the photo booth were taken and karaoke was sung.  The teenagers had fun, but I'd guess the adults had just as much as they did.  

Saturday found the family back at church, but I had a Christmas brunch to go to with my Thursday Bible study ladies.  Denise had us over to her house for brunch and we had an ornament exchange.  

Starting in the back row, and from left to right are Andrea, Kacey, Vonna, Lynette, Leah (front left), Jill, me and Denise.  I am so thankful for these ladies!  We were missing a few in this picture, but I love them all, too.  ;)  I enjoyed wearing my new shirt.  

Saturday night, for the first time since the kids were little, we went to a living nativity at a local church with some sweet friends.  

We were holding down a bench and warming by a roaring fire.  I am so thankful for my church family!  It's where a lot of my friends are from and these are the people that I see multiple times each week.  I would be in a sad state without them in my life.  

Yesterday morning in Sunday school class, we noticed that most of our girls were all matchy matchy, so we took a picture to document.

Are they not beautiful?  I love these girls so much and pray for them daily.

Last night, while the community group students were here, I hung out in my dining room and read this book.

I finished it last night before I went to bed and will watch the movie that it was made into tonight.  It came on the Hallmark channel last night and I recorded it.  I'm excited!  I read this book the first time when it first came out, but I re-read it so I could be refreshed before watching the movie.  The book is always way better than the movie.  ;)
That was our busy weekend!  This week is busy, too, but then it will slow down.  Our Christmas program is this coming weekend, so it's a busy week of technical and choir rehearsals.  I pray you find some time alone with God today, and that you get to rest before Him for a bit.  Love to all.  

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