Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Life Lately & Christmas Adam

Merry Christmas Adam!  I got that phrase from my friend Marcia.  Her family always celebrates Christmas on this day, and ever since she told me that, it stuck with me.  Isn't it cute?

I'm starting off with a picture of Drew, Noah and me from Thursday night of last week.  It was the annual company Christmas dinner, and we went to Firebirds.

Things are never boring with four boys entertaining you.  It was a fun night, with yummy food thrown in for good measure.  The boys were in heaven.  We don't eat out a lot, because four boys?  But they love to be treated to nights like these.  They were not disappointed.  Two had steak and two had mahi mahi.  Spoiled much?

On Saturday, we had Christmas with the Goodwin's!  Todd's brother Tim and his wife Tracy with their kids Nathan, Joseph and Zeke, came in from Spring Hill (near Nashville) for the weekend and we were together all day.  It was fun!  My boys spent that night before with them, per their tradition, and my best friend took me out for a birthday dinner.  Todd stayed home and finished shopping.  (Almost.)

I got this amazing new planner for 2016.  It was my main gift, and I love it so much.  Seriously.  It's a new kind for me, and it's called The Simplified Planner, designed by Emily Ley.  (She featured me on her blog a while back, earlier in the year, you might remember?)

I have already begun writing in it.  I love it!  Did I mention that?

We came home and watched one of Noah's Christmas gifts.

The Minions.  I fell asleep in it, but the boys thought it was hilarious.  I don't know how, because the things don't talk.  They babble.  But hey, I have boys, and they love bathroom humor, so this was appealing to them.  It was pretty funny, I'm just being facetious.

On Sunday afternoon, these four exchanged Christmas gifts!  Each girl got a necklace from a boy, and the girls went in together for them to go to a Grizzlies game on January 8th.  They're so excited!

And this begins my movie marathon.

White Christmas, Harry Potter (the first one, thanks to one of Drew's gifts from Papa and Mimi~he got all the Harry Potter movies.), then The Holiday.  I didn't get around to Something's Gotta Give.  Todd and Graham were out of town, then that night, Drew, Jonah and Noah went to babysit.  I had the house to myself.

God gave us this beautiful sunset last night.  Breathtaking.

My hubby and Graham made it home safe and sound around ten last night.  Praise God!  I am always thankful when He brings them safely home.

And while the boys watched a show last night, I read from my new bible.  I love it!  It's from my dad.  It's an HCSB Study Bible, with footnotes and all kinds of word studies.  (I've been reading First Corinthians.)

I left this out, but I was sick all day seems like I had a stomach bug or something.  I'm better today.  Also, Buddy, Jonah's and Noah's beloved leopard gecko, died yesterday.  We loved him for over three years, but a friend of our family gave him to us, so I don't know how old he was.  It was a really sad day.  We all cried.  I know, I know....but when your kids love something, you love it, too.  We're going shopping for a replacement today.  :)

Thanks for reading!  Merry Christmas Adam!  Love to all.

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