Friday, December 4, 2015

Friday Favorites, Christmas Week One Edition

Happy Friday!  And happy Christmas season!  My heart is so full of Christmas spirit, it feels as if it could burst.  I love, love, love all things Christmas, and from here until Christmas day, my posts on all of social media will be Christmas-y.  Please don't judge me.  Also, how many times can one say Christmas?

I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals for this post.

Ever since last Thursday night, I have enjoyed sitting by the lights on my Christmas tree.  My favorite times of day are morning and night because the lights are more twinkly.  On Thanksgiving night, we came home and got all the Christmas out of the attic, and in no time flat, the boys and I had everything all tidied up and finished.  They are awesome.

Christmas music is my favorite!  Ever since Thanksgiving, it's pretty much what I listen to nonstop.  I bought this cd last Friday from Lifeway for $5 on Black Friday.  Up until I bought this cd, I'd been listening to nothing but our Christmas choir cd.  I haven't listened to it that much since I bought this.  Or at all.  #oops #dontfiremeasachoirgirlplease

Also on my list of favorites from the Christmas music I have are Natalie Grant, Casting Crowns, Francesca Batistelli, The Go Fish Guys (weird, I know) and Bing Crosby.

Also on Black Friday, we made a stop at Home Goods.  Y'all.  It was my first time there and I must refrain from going there too often!  My sister bought me my new favorite pillow.  It's on the bed you see above.  I have another thing I want from there, a giant & sign to hang above our bed.  I'll find another place for these Paris prints that are there now.

The pillow was her early birthday present to me.  :)

 I cannot say enough how writing out scripture is my favorite thing to do.  I love this December guide!  I'm keeping up with it day by day (we'll see how that's going by the third week in) and it keeps my focus on God during this time of year.  I can tend to get wrapped up in all the other junk and goings on.  I must be quiet and still before Him each morning, though, or my day goes all cattywompkus.

I think I just made a word up.

My favorite time of year to be in the youth area are the days that it's decorated so beautifully.  I'll be there tonight, with a bunch of teenagers, hopefully.  ;)  Tonight is our annual (first time in three years) Christmas parade!  I am beside myself with excitement.  After the parade is coffee house for the high school kids.

I love coffee.  I love coffee mugs.  My favorite kind of coffee mug, though, is a Christmas coffee mug!  I love them.  Mere words cannot express.

I kid you not, my heart gets all fluttery when I talk about Christmas!  It might be a long month for you blog readers.

The week of Thanksgiving, every single year, is when I pull out my Christmas books.  I love all books, but Christmas books are my favorite.  Some years I re-read them all, other years (like this year), I borrow from the library and buy some new ones.  I started my fifth book of the season last night.  So far I've read these:

1225 Christmas Tree Lane by Debbie Macomber
The Christmas Basket by Debbie Macomber
Love Finds You in Frost, Minnesota by Judy Baer
The Christmas Shoppe by Melody Carlson
The Bridge by Karen Kingsbury (which I am re-reading because it's been a few years and the movie is coming on The Hallmark Channel Sunday night!)

See?  I am obsessed.  I never leave home without a book in my purse, by the way, which is why you see me reading in the waiting room on Monday while I was waiting on the doctor about my foot.

And last, but not least, I love Christmas fingernail polish.  Every single week, I will wear the same couple of holiday favorites from OPI.  One is the red you see in the picture above, Affair in Red Square, and another one I have on my list to buy, Comet A Little Closer.

So fun!  :)  I told you everything Christmas-y was my favorite.  All the proof is listed above.  My poor family.  They are subjected to me and my love of all things Christmas every single day.  Noah shares my love, though, and will willingly watch any and every Christmas movie I have recorded.  Sweet little thing.

Well.  I must go be productive now.  Love to all!

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