1. I fell asleep smiling Sunday night/Monday morning. I adore my family! Here is proof that they CRACK ME UP. My hubby included.
2. I am a sucker for traditions. Yesterday we went to the Enchanted Forrest with my in-love's.
3. I love birthdays! And I really love social media on birthdays. All the pictures and posts and texts I received yesterday were so sweet and I might have cried a time or two over God's goodness.
4. I love being with my family and with my friends. They are my people.
5. As much as I love being with people, on the flip side, I am totally introverted and CRAVE time at home, alone. Or just with my family. (But really, I'm good with being alone.)
6. I love to read so much, that I often think about the books I'm reading while I'm out and about, and cannot wait until I can get back home and read. It's also why I always have a book with me, if there is even the slightest chance that I will have to wait somewhere.
7. I really love Christmas books the best.
8. Christmas day is the saddest day of the entire year, and I'm almost always a little depressed on that day.
9. I hate shopping.
10. I have several things on my to do list that are bugging me, because I can't seem to find the motivation to get them done.
11. I'm already looking forward a tiny, tiny bit, to January, and our lives slowing back down. The month of December is usually one long blur.
12. I get really upset over details that are wrong.
13. I really love giving gifts at Christmas, and picking out things I know someone will love. (I DO like shopping for gifts.)
14. Though I don't usually love being in the center of attention, I do love being fussed over on my birthday. It's one out of the two days a year that I feel so special. (The other day is Mother's day.)
15. My nail polish is bothering me.
16. I hate washing my hair. HATE. IT.
17. Because of the above statement, I only wash my hair about three times a week. Sometimes only twice. (Curly hair problems.)
18. I am just like my mom. Seriously, we are so much alike, that it's scary.
19. Though we aren't blood related, I am also just like my mom in love. She knows me so well that it's almost disturbing.
20. One of my favorite church days each year is the Sunday before Christmas. (The other day is Resurrection Sunday.)
21. I keep a running list in my journal, of things I want to write about, or things to do in our homeschool.
22. Sometimes at night what I think about becomes a dream (or a nightmare), and I lose a whole night of sleep.
23. I hate watching the news on tv. I would just prefer to be blissfully unaware of things going on in my city. It's that bad.
24. I wish I had been called, or that Todd had been called, to missions. I would love to live in a different country.
25. I feel like Savannah Guthrie and I could be great friends. (She's a co-host on The Today Show. I do enjoy the "fluffy news".)
26. I love the same music my kids love. I keep waiting for that to not be the case anymore.
27. I love, love, loving any and every kind of "show"~a movie, a play, a concert or a cantata~I love them all.
28. I am a neat freak. And my kids think I'm crazy.
29. I love to cook because I love food. Sometimes I just tolerate food, but I only go through spells like that every once in a while, usually when I'm sick, or in a rut with cooking.
30. I love having people in my house!
31. I love routines with friends, like going to someone's house and playing cards every weekend or just hanging out, and I miss the days when we were better about doing that kind of thing. We're getting there again, though, with our friends Tiffany and Jeremy.
32. Dog hair on my floor makes me C.R.A.Z.Y. So much so that I keep my vacuum out as part of my decor. (Not really.)
33. I love eating out. And we don't, all that much.
34. I love searching on Amazon. I love adding things to my wish list.
35. I am super forgetful, which is why I desperately need a daily planner.
36. I love driving.
37. I love my husband, but I don't love buying him gifts. He's not picky, but he never wants anything. And when I do buy him gifts, he usually guesses what they are. :/
38. Every year is my favorite year. So to date, so far thirty eight was my favorite age, because to me, life keeps getting sweeter and sweeter each year.
39. I always, always, always think ahead. In planning, in writing on this blog, on what I'll be doing in youth next school year, in every little area of my life, I do this. I'm a planner, and I take seriously what I commit to, because it's a big deal.
Just one more picture from my incredible day yesterday~this was me at our youth leader's Christmas party last night. My dear friend Abbey surprised me with a birthday cake and they all sang to me. Wasn't that so sweet of them to throw me a huge birthday party?! ;)
It was an amazing birthday, once again. For all of you who texted or posted on social media and just took some time out to wish me a special day, thank you! I am so thankful to God for all of you. Love to all!
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Thankful Thursday -- the birthday edition
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