Tuesday, November 10, 2015

weekend recap & other general stuff

I started this post yesterday and someone x'ed out of it on this computer.  Then I forgot to come back and finish.  Of course I did.  Life is a little busier than normal this week, but more about that in a minute.  Here was our weekend.

On Friday night, we had dinner with some sweet friends of ours.  We had grilled chicken, baked potatoes, green beans, pecan pie and a praline ice cream dessert I made.  It was delicious!  While the kids ran around and played, the adults plus Graham and Drew played Tripoley.

They were smiling because Jeremy was killing us all at the game.  Those were all his chips.  We ended shortly after this picture, because time flies when we're with them, and before we knew it, it was after eleven.

On Saturday morning, Graham and Drew had their last soccer games of the season and Todd, Jonah and Noah went to watch.  I went out to my dad's house, along with my sister Trish, to help him get started on his Christmas lights.

I love the road out there.  It's freshly paved, which is one of the greatest things of all time.

This is one of the most fun things we do.  My dad has this flagpole that he strings lights upon, to look like a Christmas tree.  It is the most complicated thing ever, but after three tries, we got it.  We laughed and laughed and laughed.  I love traditions during this time of year.  And I am so thankful for another year with my dad.

On Sunday we spent our morning at church, and part of the afternoon there as well.  Jonah and Noah are going to be in our Christmas program this year, so they had practice and I had choir.  We went from there to our bonfires with the youth.  I was at the high school bonfire, so I have no pictures of Jonah and Noah with their friends, but I do have pictures of the youth where I was.  We didn't do this with our youth last year, and I missed it!

This little fella is named Squirt, and he is ornery!  He kept on head butting the gate and if you tried to pet him, he would do the same to your hand.  But isn't he cute?

Sweet girlies!  I love them so much.  It was cold, and I was so thankful.  It was extremely hot and sticky here all last week.

This was on a hayride.  I tried to get on a hayride before this one and right when I stepped up, the tractor pulled out and I almost face-planted into the back of the trailer.  :/  Right after this, Lauri (in the middle), plucked a spider off of my back.

Zach and Drew.  I love them and their sweet friendship.  Drew has been burned by some friends, and those that he loved talk about him like he's dirt, so I am thankful for this sweet one that he's gotten closer to.  I always pray for God to give my boys at least ONE good friend.  Everyone should have at least one good friend.  Any more is a bonus.

It was a great weekend!  Yesterday was busy because I left early to go pray with my friend at our church, then I went to Kroger and by the time I got home, it was lunch time.  The boys left after lunch, I watched a Hallmark Christmas movie, then started on dinner.  Last night I had a leaders meeting with the other ladies that work with youth, and didn't get home until almost ten.  Today we have a repeat of the Fabulous 50's program at church.  We have to be there by ten, then we'll be free the rest of the day, until my bible study tonight.

And with tomorrow being Veteran's day, we are leaving at nine in the morning to go to the parade that's downtown, then we're eating lunch and sight seeing.

So yes, it's a busy week, and I look forward to Friday, when I can just sit here all day and do nothing.
Love to all!


  1. I found your blog by crazy coincidence while Googlin something after listening to KLove online today! Just wanted to say that these HallMark Christmas movies are great! It's my pre-Christmas season guilty pleasure - I actually get up 30 minutes early each day right now to soak one up while I'm the only one awake in my house and shipping my morning latte!

    1. How funny! Well, I'm glad you found me! I have only had the Hallmark channel for a few months now, and I am wearing it out! All my boys love it, too, and watch some of the mysteries with me. That sounds perfect-your mornings! Thanks for reading!

    2. How funny! Well, I'm glad you found me! I have only had the Hallmark channel for a few months now, and I am wearing it out! All my boys love it, too, and watch some of the mysteries with me. That sounds perfect-your mornings! Thanks for reading!


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