Monday, November 30, 2015

Monday & a little bit of weekend

Good Monday morning!  I am so glad that today is not a day of rushing around for my family.  We always drag a little, after a break in school work.  My poor teenagers that I love!  They were not looking forward to today.  Except for one, who looks forward to every day.

It was kinda a low key weekend (Saturday & Sunday), and for that, I am thankful.  One thing I did was I caught up on my 30 days of Thanksgiving scripture writing plan.  I'd gotten several days behind, but on Saturday morning, I caught back up.  It's a good thing, because on Sunday, I found this.

And of course, I want to participate in doing this.  This is exactly what the Thanksgiving was like, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, so I'm excited about the Christmas version.  In my humble opinion, writing out bible verses is important.  When you write them out, you remember them more, and I love having a handwritten collection of passages from the bible.  I had a notebook that I kept the writings in, but last night, I changed over to my Christmas notebook.  (More about that tomorrow, or maybe later tonight.)

I love this time of year, and the festivity that is our youth area at church.

Isn't it pretty?  (It might look tacky in the daylight, but when the lights are dimmed, it's beautiful.)  My kids were there helping with this last week.  We were low on teenagers yesterday!

I saw this on Instagram a few days ago and loved it.

It reminds me that there is power in the name of Jesus Christ, and when we worship Him, our atmosphere really does change.  Worship takes our focus off of ourselves and puts it onto Him.  In the good times and in the bad times, He is good.  He is not circumstantial.  He is constant, unwavering, unchanging, He is worthy of praise.

We had communion at church yesterday, and if I haven't mentioned it before, I love how our pastor does our communion service.  It's very quiet, simple and reverent.  It's a holy moment between us and God, and on the times when we partake, that is what the whole service is about.  I love it, and I never participate without shedding tears.

I love my church family so much and thanked God for them this morning.

I came home after church yesterday ended up and missing choir practice.  I did something to my foot in the last week and it's hurting more and more with each minute that goes by, so I tried to stay off of it yesterday as much as possible.  Today I'm going to a doctor about it, so we'll see.  I will be glad to not be hobbling on it anymore.

I pulled out our Christmas dishes yesterday.  I love them so much, and I love all my coffee mugs.

Isn't this little guy cute?  I am a sucker for all things Christmas and happy at this time of year.

That was our weekend, in a nutshell.  I hope yours was good and that your day isn't gloomy, no matter what the sky looks like.  (I will be thankful to see the sunshine again!)

Love to all.

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