Wednesday, October 28, 2015

what's up Wednesday

I'll start from Sunday, for a little bit of what we've been up to.

Our youth pastor and students led worship on Sunday at church.  They did such an amazing job, and I had tears in my eyes for much of the service, just hearing them sing and seeing them worship.  It was a beautiful sight to behold.

I asked my hubby to take pictures, and he did.  This is one he texted to me.  Graham is over there on the far left, then Katie, Mark, Jason (our youth pastor in the middle), Kailyn, Chandler, Abbey, AJ and another Katie.

We have been at church a lot this week, but that's nothing new.  I am so glad we live so close to our church home.  We would still go a lot even if we didn't live close, but man does it make it convenient for us, living two blocks away.  On Sunday afternoon, I took these boys to play in the gym and to hang out with AJ.

I love these guys so much!  They always want to be at church, and for that, I am thankful.  I'm also thankful for our amazing youth staff~without them, it wouldn't be like that.

I've been with teenagers a lot this week.  That's nothing new, but it's been part of my week.  I took this picture on Sunday night, during community group.  The only thing I have to do with community group on Sunday nights nowadays is that I host the ninth and tenth graders every week.  I love having them!  They do usually let me hang out with them, which is really sweet.  ;)

Callie has been my little buddy all week.  She loves being with me while I'm in the kitchen.  I cannot tell you how many times I have tripped over her or almost stepped on her, though.  Her spot is way different from Andy's old spot, so I have to be careful.

She's so cute.  I love how big her paws are and how clumsy she is.  She falls over all the time, and it's the most precious thing you have ever seen.  There's nothing quite like a clumsy dog.

Last night I had bible study at the church, then I ran an errand with these crazies.

We were shopping for Hollywood Night that takes place in youth tonight.  I'm even missing choir because of it, y'all, and that's a big deal.  I'm also dressing up with my cohort that you see in the above picture.  She talked me into it.  :)  I won't tell you who we're all going as, but plan on seeing lots of pictures on Friday.  (I never blog on Thursday's because of our long day.)  Graham's costume might be my favorite because of...well, nevermind.  Just know it's going to be cute and all the pictures will be hilarious.

And yes, I bought my son a bra last night.  I never thought I would say that, but just you wait for the pictures.  Happy Wednesday to you!

Love to all.

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