I was inspired by a homeschooling mom's blog this morning to share a little of what every day looks like at my house. I thought I would make my own little rendition of that post and share it with you.
I wake up earlier than my kids. I love having my morning quiet time while they're still asleep, otherwise, I am distracted by breakfast and them playing with the dogs. During this time I sit down with my cup of coffee, my Bible and my journal, and I begin my day. (I will choose to keep things real here on the blog and confess that this morning, that time was very short. I tossed and turned from three until six something this morning, so my brain feels fuzzy and my eyelids seem heavy. I am surprised I didn't fall back to sleep.)
I love having a tidy home, so while I'm letting the dogs out in the morning time, I take some time and straighten up the couches and pillows, and I fold the blankets we've used. My kids love blankets and think they have to use them every single time they're on the couch. ;) I also have these little twinkle lights on my fireplace mantle that make me really happy, so I turn them on every single day. (I didn't turn them on in the summer months, but once Fall got here, I started turning them on again.)
I check my email and reply to what needs a response, I get on Facebook for a few minutes, I usually write a blog post, and I read the blogs I love on my blog's sidebar.
I freshen up the laundry in the dryer for about fifteen minutes before pulling it out and folding it, then I start another load. I try to complete one full load every single day. It helps me to be able to somewhat stay more on top of it.
I love waking up to a clean kitchen, so before I go to bed, I make sure that the counters and sinks are cleaned off. (This didn't happen Monday night, so yesterday I did wake up to dishes in the kitchen sink.)
I make my bed almost every day.
I spend time doing whatever homework in my Bible study needs to be finished. I usually have two going at once, so I delegate my time to do those on Monday through Wednesday. Our Thursday's and Friday's go by really fast, so on those days, I spend the time I would be doing homework doing light cleaning around the house. (I love to start and end a weekend with a clean house, so we tend to clean on Monday's and Friday's.)
I make something hot to eat, either for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
I light a candle, I plug in a scented wall plug in thing, or I spray room spray. I love for my house to smell good (NOT like dogs), and depending on the season or what I have on hand, I do one of those things.
I turn on lamps. I have some cute little lamps that I love, so much to the dismay of my husband, I turn most of them on. There are always two or three on in the living room (depending on where my kids are doing school work), and one at the top of the stairs.
I turn on my front porch lights every night before or after dinner.
I love to open my front door, but I always do this if the kids are outside. Crash always sits on the welcome rug and cries to be let out with them, but we can't let him out without a leash in the front.
I watch a morning news show, then the television gets turned off for the rest of the daytime hours. Although, sometimes, the boys like to eat lunch in the living room and catch up on a show that's been recorded.
I do something to unwind, so whether that takes place in the form of a book or in the form of the evil that comes straight from the pit of hell (Netflix), I spend time relaxing.
I tell my husband and my kids that I love them. I also try to find something that I can build them up with. Ephesians 4:29 says that we shouldn't let any unwholesome talk come out of our mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up, according to what they need. I try to focus more on the positive than the negative. I try to be a listening ear to my husband, whenever he needs to talk. I kiss Toddley on the lips, sometimes briefly, sometimes not so briefly. ;)
I write in my journal, about what we've done that day, what I read in the Bible and other thoughts or ideas that pop into my brain. I also keep a running list of things to do or books to read or blog post ideas there.
When we're all home, we usually spend time together on the couches. We talk, we laugh, they wrestle with together (BOYS.), we watch television, they play the game on their phones together that they're addicted to.
I go to bed at a reasonable hour. I don't always fall asleep at a reasonable hour, but I do try. (See comment about the evil that comes straight from the pit of hell.)
Now that I've shared my somewhat daily routine, what does yours look like? I really am interested, so leave some comment love!
Love to all.
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I loved reading your daily routine. I wish my daily routine was so neat. Depending on the day, my schedule can be easy or totally crazy. So let me walk you through yesterday.
ReplyDeleteI woke up at 6am to an annoying alarm go down stairs and immediately push that magic button on the one cup coffee machine, which provides me the magic potion that allows me to be tolerable. Ha ha. I let the dogs out for their morning duties then with cup #2 (depending on the day) in hand me and the dogs head back up stairs to crawl back into bed where I begin to complain about not being able to go back to sleep.
Once I'm don't throwing that fit. Karl gives me that look (like your cute but I don't have time for this look) and I decide to go ahead and get out of bed.
We fight over the mirror as both of us are getting ready for our day joking and laughing with each other. This is truly of of my favorite time with my hubby.
So now I have to rearrange my bag / backpack for Tuesday classes. Kinley and Ripley (my sweet dogs) look at me like I'm crazy because this is when I'm talking/arguing with myself bc I can't find everything I need, mainly bc I'm not as organized as I should be. Once bag is packed I get the dogs off the bed so I can make the bed before I leave. Sometimes they are just to cute to bother making the bed. And let's face it, who's going to know?
Now I'm in the car driving way to fast and yelling at those slow people who are driving in the left lane. I mean, come on why do the do that.
So Tuesday is a heavy class day, three classes today and one of them is three hours long. Can I just say I'm to old for this. Lol
Once classes are over, and truly my mind has completely shut down I drive home and try and spend that time just alone. This is when I just talk to Jesus. Just he and I. And trust me I can talk.
Once home Alexis usually has supper either being prepared or she is in the process. Granny aka my mom is watching the Hallmark channel and Karl and Brandon are on their way home from work.
Tuesday nights are crazy for us bc Karl has a meeting every Tuesday night. Brandon usually takes his dogs for a walk and I have a bible study. We inhale dinner which by the way is amazing. Alexis has always been able to make some of the most mouth watering meals. We all go our separate ways and then we are usually all home by 8:30.
Once everyone is in bed around 10, I spend the next 3 to 4 hours on homework and my quiet time. I love doing my quiet time at night. Again depending on the day sometimes like Wednesday I do my quiet time in the morning.
My homework this semester is crazy, I can't tell you how many times I've woke up at 4am with pages of books our paper stuck to my face bc I've fallen asleep while studying. Somewhere around 3:00am I turn the light off, no more studying and drag myself to bed.
So that's my crazy Tuesday, hope you enjoy reading it
Thank you for the comment love! And holy macaroni, your day makes me die a little on the inside. Introvert much?! ;)
DeleteYou have a lot going on, so I am even MORE thankful for your help this week!
Thank you for the comment love! And holy macaroni, your day makes me die a little on the inside. Introvert much?! ;)
DeleteYou have a lot going on, so I am even MORE thankful for your help this week!