Monday, September 14, 2015

the weekend

We had an amazing weekend!  Part of the reason because of the amazing weather.  I love, love, love fall weather.  It's not officially here yet, and I know it'll get hot again but, for now, we are enjoying the cooler temperatures.

I took a screenshot of the weather on my phone, and this was around noon.  This is perfect camping weather.

On Friday, Graham filled out an application to be a summer missionary for Street Reach, the outreach and school that our church is involved in.  He's been praying about this for a while now, but it all started two years ago.  Next summer, he will finally be old enough to be considered, and it's a day he's been waiting for.  First he has to apply through Street Reach, then he will have to apply with the North American Mission Board (NAMB).  It's exciting times for him!  He would be gone all summer, from the end of May until the first part of August.  Gulp.

I'd asked my small group ladies at bible study to pray for Graham, as he prayed and considered going through with this application process.  I know that if this is what God's will is for Graham's life next summer, that He will open the doors for him to be accepted.  If not, then He will shut those doors.

We ate lunch with my mom on Friday afternoon.  We went to her house and hung out for a bit, then came back home.  We had an easy dinner that night, then we all ended up at a friend's house, where the boys had been tie-dying tee shirts for the next day.

On Saturday, we stayed home most of the day, then Graham and Drew left for the Relay For Life, here in The Ville.  They helped work the kid zone area and didn't get home until ten thirty.  While they were there, the rest of us went to my mom's house for dinner.  Afterward, the boys played outside and my step-dad and I sat on the backporch and talked.

We had friends with us.  Thankfully, all the grandparents are okay with them always having friends with them!

I had to be at church super early Sunday morning for choir, and missed out on Sunday school, but it was a wonderful morning.  After church, Graham went and picked up a bunch of tacos for us to just eat at home, and then all the boys went to the park across from the street from our neighborhood, to help set up for our church's annual picnic.  I love this time of fellowship that we have as a church family!  The weather was perfect, again, and the food was plentiful.

It was a really fun night.  To top it all off, we cheered on our teenage girls while they played a very competitive game of soccer.  Some of them played soccer, and some of them danced.

It was another beautiful night, and it's always fun being with friends.  I don't even want to think about how boring my life would be without these friends God has given me!  It was an amazing weekend, and we are ready to tackle this week.  We've got lots going on, but I'm ready for that, too.

Happy Monday to you and love to all.

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