Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  This week has gone by with lightning speed, and yet it also has seemed long.  Perhaps because I spent a couple of days doing nothing that required getting out of my house.  I am linking up with Momfessionals for this post.

My Friday Favorites post takes me from Denver, Colorado to my little home in The Ville.

My first favorite moment from the past week was seeing my beautiful nice Erika get married to Kyle.

Their wedding was beautiful and I am so glad I got to be there.  We had planned to go as a family, but we were forced to make the decision between my car or the wedding.  The car trumped the wedding, because I need it every day.

Another favorite from being out of town was going to Breckenridge last Saturday.  I mentioned this adorable bookstore in my last post.  It's definitely one of my favorite pictures that I took while I was out of town.

I wish I could go back and revisit this store and go inside.  Just to see what the inside looked like.

One of my new favorite things around my house is this cute towel that my sister Debi bought me while we were in Castle Rock on Sunday.

I have loved seeing it hang on the oven everyday since my return home.  I do love fun home decorations~one of my favorite things to do is dressing my home up a little.

This week, while cleaning out my purse, I came across an old gift card someone gave me last December.  I *might* have enjoyed a little mini shopping spree on Amazon, on some of my favorite items.  With the gift card, I bought a new set of Stabilo pens, a Bible for Noah, and this book.

I can't wait to read it.  It's a collection of stories about life around the table, and included in the book are some of this author's favorite recipes.  She says that after reading it the first time, she hopes that it gets stained and that the pages become well loved with splashes of the wine we use to cook with.  It's meant to be read, then used, as a way to connect with friends and family around the dining table.

Lastly for this week of favorites was seeing my blog's pageviews number.

Who would have thought this little ole blog would receive those kinds of views?  My step dad has been keeping up with the stats for me, and he has been amazed as he's watch the numbers grow each week.  I don't know if I'm amazed, but I am definitely humbled by God.  I pray that this blog always points to Him.  Apart from Him, I can do nothing.  All that my life consists of is a gift from Him, and I thank Him for the work He has done in my life, and in the lives of my family.  I pray that He is always honored and lifted high in the writing that takes place on this blog.

Thanks for reading!  Love to all.

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