Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  I'm linking up with Momfessionals for this post.

Before I get started, this is a sad day in history.  I will never forget where I was on this day in history, when I watched the horror that was happening in New York City from my television screen.  I'm pretty sure I was getting ready to go to work at our church's mother's day out, and all I could do was sit and stare in awe at what was happening before my eyes.  I remember watching when the second plane hit the tower, and then a while later, as both towers fell.  I've spent time this morning, in prayer not only for those who lost loved ones on that day, but for the guys who are out there every single day protecting us~firefighters, policeman, our military.  I also prayed for our country and our government.

Moving on to a much lighter note, now.

It's been a week!  It seems like four day weeks usually are.  We didn't do any school on Monday, but we hit the books hard on Tuesday.  It was a day of math and tests.

Math is not Noah's favorite subject.  None of us love that subject, but he persevered and got it done for the day.  I shared the table with him while he worked.  This was my view.

Actually, that wasn't quite my view, but it was similar.  While they do school work, I do my bible study homework.  I also use that time to do laundry, straighten up and do light cleaning.  I don't vacuum, because it's a huge distraction.

On Wednesday it rained and rained and rained here.  When Todd got home that afternoon, I told him about finding water on our laundry room floor.  I assumed it was the washing machine again, that it had gotten off balance during a big load, but he actually found water on the walls and in the cabinets above the washer and dryer.  Turns out, we have a major leak in our roof.  And in the siding along the back of our house.  So after having the insurance adjuster and a contractor out here this morning, we learned that we'll be getting a new roof, some siding replaced and a laundry room re-do.  It will be an interesting few weeks.

I'm pretty sure that these next few weeks will not be among the list of Friday Favorites.

Lastly, this is my favorite picture and story of this week.

After completing their school work on Tuesday, Graham, Drew and Jonah went to work at Todd's shop.  While there, Jonah was in the bathroom, wiggling a pesky loose tooth that has been quite painful.  Underneath the hand dryer in the bathroom at the shop is a little mirror, and Jonah had bent down to try and see what he was doing.  When he bent down, his head triggered the blower to start, and he jumped, because it scared him.  When he bent back down to find the tooth again, he found blood and a hole where the tooth had been.  When he jumped, he accidentally yanked the tooth out and threw it across the room!

I laughed and laughed and laughed when he told me this story, because I can just picture it.

Well.  Happy Friday to you and love to all.

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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...