Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Bible Study

I know I have mentioned on here how sad I get when I complete a Bible study, and last night was no exception.  We wrapped up our Children of the Day study on First and Second Thessalonians last night.  It was so, so good!  And per my usual style, I cried over the last page of the homework.

I know it sounds silly, but the reason I cry is because I get to know the writer of the book I am studying.  We always study more than just that book of the Bible~we take a look at the history of that person who wrote it (Paul mainly in these books, but also Timothy and Silas), what led them to that point in time, what their journey previously looked like, what it would like at the close of the letter, who they were writing to and what they were saying in the letter.  When you get to the end of all that, it's pretty emotional.

In these letters, the people of Thessalonica were being warned of the evil that was to come.  They were being told to refrain from this and that, stay away from this type of person and that type of person, and to watch out for certain dangers.

But at the end of the letters, in chapter three of the second book of Thessalonians, we are given a beautiful promise, in spite of the things that were to come.

"For not all have faith.  But the Lord is faithful."  2 Thessalonians 2:2-3

As a part of our closing lesson last night, Beth Moore had us write that promise on the palms of our hands in Sharpie.

When we are accused of things that are not true, "For not all have faith.  But the Lord is faithful."

When trials come our way, "For not all have faith.  But the Lord is faithful."

When we are deserted by those we love most, or when we lose our friends along life's way, "For not all have faith.  But the Lord is faithful."

When people are mean to us, "For not all have faith.  But the Lord is faithful."

When people disappoint us, "For not all have faith.  But the Lord is faithful."

He is faithful.

We all need to remember this.  Love to all.

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