Monday, August 31, 2015

the weekend

This weekend flew by.  On Friday night, my mom, stepdad, sister and I went to dinner and then to see War Room.  If you haven't seen it yet, go see it while it's in the theater!  It was really, really good.  By the end of it, I was doing the ugly cry, but it doesn't take much to make me blubber.  I managed to snap a picture of Mom and Bill, while at dinner. 

While Todd worked on his truck Saturday, I went out with my mom.  We had lunch and did a bit of shopping and running around, and we had fun, like always.  When we were heading back home, my mom noticed this little church, and asked me to take a picture.  I have driven by this building no less than a few hundred times, and I have never noticed it before.

It turns out that it's the original Germantown Baptist Church, and the Methodist Hospital is in the process of renovating the historical building.  I love old churches.  My mom has plans for this picture, but I'll share about that later.  

For dinner we went to their house for the first time in a few weeks.  We had catfish.  Yum.  

Yesterday was church as usual, lunch afterward with friends and community groups and C.A.M.O. last night.  It was a great weekend, and so far, we've gotten our week off to a good start.  

Love to all.  

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