Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Life Lately

I have had a very quiet and restful week.  On Sunday afternoon, I took Jonah and Noah to meet my dad-in-love, for the boys to spend a few nights with them for Mimi's boys camp.  The Nashville grands were there as well.  Graham and Drew didn't go over there until a bit later, after community group and after time spent with friends watching a movie.  (#teenagerproblems)

Todd rode with the sheriff's department Sunday night, and on Monday night he had a class until ten or so, so for those two nights, I was all by lonesome.  I say that like it's a complaint~trust me, it is so NOT.  I love being alone!

I would love to say that I did all kinds of productive things around the house and cleaned or organized...but I did not.  I sat.  I watched tv shows that I had DVR'd.  I watched a few movies.  I read a book.  I spent a good six hours doing Bible study homework and studying.

It was glorious.

And look how clean the downstairs has been!

Well, tidy, at least.  It could stand a good cleaning, but I didn't do that either!  I love being able to eat whatever I want and have it all cleaned up again right after.  I didn't do any major cooking, just some heating up of some things.

When Todd got home that night at around ten thirty, I told him I had talked to three people that day (four, with him there)~Jesus, my mom and Crash.

On Tuesday, my mom broke me out of my house and we went shopping.  Her goal was to find a dress for her to wear to my niece's wedding and we found the perfect one.  We had lunch at this sweet little place called Just For Lunch in the Chickasaw Gardens shopping center, then we went to the State beauty supply place.

You Are So Outta Lime.

:)  My newest bottle of OPI.  After that we headed home.  I polished my nails right away, then sat and watched Parenthood on Netflix for a bit.  I went to my in-love's house and Todd met me there.  We had a yummy breakfast for dinner, then we went to swim.  I came home right after that to shower and shortly after that, I went to bed.

Today I am staying home during the morning and I'm going to our church in a little while, to pray with my friend.  We haven't been meeting because summer has been so crazy.  I've missed it so much!  The boys will be home by about three, then we've got church tonight.

My boys are loud and a little wild every once in a while, and we have a revolving door here, with all the friends that come and go all the time, but I have missed them!  They're already plotting about who can spend the night tonight.  I quickly agreed to let them invite friends over.  I will be glad to have them back at home and for some noise again.  The quiet is nice for a short time, but too much of it makes me crazy.

I found this picture that I liked on the internet this morning.

So very, very true.  I love my teenage girls at church, but I wasn't cut out to be a girl mom.  I love my boys~I love their loudness, their rowdy, their fierce protectiveness over me and each other, and the way they love and care for me.  Their dad has done a stellar job of raising them, and I thank God for him and for that.  I've learned over the years that the dad is key in raising up young men.  These aren't just kids we're raising~they are future husbands and fathers.  I commend my husband.

Well.  I need to go be productive before they all come barging back up in here.  Love to all.

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