Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Bible Study

Last week, a small group of my lady friends started studying First and Second Thessalonians.  This is a study by Beth Moore, called Children of the Day.  I love starting a new Bible study.  This is a sweet group of God loving women, and I am thankful to my friend who opened her home for us to have this study.  I can already tell, just from the first week, that it's going to be great.

I don't know about you, and if you've ever participated in a Bible study, but I have learned that I need to constantly be studying the word of God.  I cannot imagine what my life would look like, if not for Him, and His inspired word.  Thankfully, I don't have to.  There is nothing good about me, but He abides in me, and He is good.  I am a wretched sinner, who deserves nothing but death because of my sin, but thanks to Him sending His Son, we who believe in Him will not get what we deserve.  We will get eternal life with Him when we die.

He is my hope, my strength, my song and my joy.

In this dark world, I find none of that.  He alone gives life, and He gives it abundantly.

The thing about Bible study that I love is this~I always get so much out of it.

Before I start a study, preferably one with homework because that's where the meat is, I pray Ephesians 1:17.  "I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better."

I pray that each day before I start the homework, and I ask Him for wisdom.  I also pray that He would always give me a soft, teachable heart.  I don't ever want to think that I have arrived at this place in my life that I don't have to study the Bible anymore.  I certainly don't ever want to think that I am beyond what is being taught.  Even tonight, I caught myself wandering and prayed quickly that God would reign me back in and help me listen.  And sure enough, He did just that, and what was being taught spoke volumes to me.

If you're reading this and have never done this, I want to encourage you to start somewhere.  This is a good time of year to jump in, with school starting in a couple weeks, lots of churches are going to begin their fall Bible studies.  Here's the one we're doing right now.

This isn't a study affiliated with my church, just one that a group of us picked out together, and it's at my friend's house each week.

Thanks for reading my blog.  Love to all.

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