Wednesday, June 10, 2015

what's up Wednesday

I think I've finally settled back in to the routine of things, after last week at camp.  One thing I've learned: I am older than I think I am.

I spent Saturday resting and doing laundry, then Sunday was a normal Sunday.  I love our community groups on Sunday nights and I especially love them in the summertime.  We swim each week during the summer, and the kids have so much fun together.

Afterward, they invited some friends over to watch a movie.

They watched The Giver, and this was a part that made me laugh and Abigail gasp with shock.  I love the looks on their faces, and how they're holding hands.

I drove people home and came home and crashed.  I tried to read, but I don't think I got any further than a couple pages.

On Monday, Graham and Drew cut yards for the people who've hired them, they all did yardwork at our house, then Graham and Drew went out with friends.  Jonah and Noah each went somewhere too, but a little later in the afternoon.  One of the teenagers from our youth came over and we talked about things that happened at camp, and we set times to meet each week and a Bible reading plan to go through together.

For some crazy reason, Skippy (the kitty we have that lives upstairs) has been coming downstairs a lot.  She's not as nice as Twinkles, and she always spits and hisses at Crash.  I snapped this picture right after such an incident occurred.

It cracks me up.  He is such a spaz, and has been his whole life, that it's funny to see him spooked by a little cat.  Payback stinks sometimes.  ;)

On Tuesday we went swimming with my mom-in-love.  It was so nice in the pool because it was so hot outside.  I do not love the kind of weather that is so hot that I can hardly breathe.  That's the only thing that I don't love about this time of year, though...the rest of it is awesome.  And last summer spoiled me, because we had a cool season.

We came home and got dressed, then later on in the day made a Sonic run.

I am slightly addicted to Oceanwater.  It's Sprite and coconut mixed together and is delicious.

I've been using my journal Bible again, and this week I've read in Psalm.

I love verse eleven in the above picture.  I have been talking to teenage girls about scripture a lot, and to be able to talk to them about the word of God, I have to BE in the word of God.  So, I've been reading more and studying more, instead of doing other things.  (Netflix.)  These girls keep me on my toes!  They ask really difficult questions, the only way I can answer even half of them is because I pray and ask God for His wisdom.  He is faithful to give me that when I ask.

Today we are cleaning.  I have finished all of the downstairs and the boys are doing their portion upstairs.  I can't wait for church tonight.

I hope you're having a great week!  Love to all.

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