Friday, June 19, 2015

Friday Favorites

My favorite weekday!  I'm linking up with Andrea at Momfessionals for this post.

I love the Timehop app!  I mentioned that on the last post, but it's become one of my favorite things of all~looking back on pictures.

We always have so much fun when we're together.  :)  I'm pretty sure he was making me laugh in this picture.  That's usually the case.

We do have our moments, though, when it's not always fun and games.  We've learned to pretty much suck it up when we get irritated, though, because it takes too much energy to stay mad.  I made myself smile.

My favorite, favorite, favorite activity in all of the world is swimming.  We have been driving to Cordova to swim with my mom in love twice every week.  And when we go back to her house, this is how we dry our towels.

I'm not the mom who sits and observes while the kids swim~I go all in and I get my hair wet and everything.  I used to LOVE when my mom would swim with me.  And we seem to have the best talks when we're in the pool together, my boys and I.  It's my favorite.

Another of my favorites is community group, specifically summer community group.  Our girls wanted to do a Bible study, complete with a workbook, so this week we are starting this study with them.  It is so good.  It has lots of Bible reading and lots of room to write.  This was one of my favorite moments from this week~on Wednesday, I took that afternoon time to get caught up.

I was looking at my gallery pictures on my phone yesterday and came across this gem.

This kid loves kids.  And kids love him.  The little boy he was holding was pinching his cheeks and Drew was cracking up.

He got to see this little sweetheart last night and was so happy that she let him hold her.  Usually she acts all shy and won't allow it.  One time her mom texted me and said when Drew walked away, she whispered, "I love you, Drew."

My heart just melted.

Another favorite from this week was hanging out with these boys yesterday.

Drew took this with my mom in love's phone.  And then made it her wallpaper.

It's been a great week and I am so looking forward to this weekend!  I get to hang with my best friend tonight, and I cannot wait to see her and catch up!  Love to all.

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